Universitat Ramón Llull

07/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Esade-URL Executive MBA ranks 7th in Europe according to QS

Friday, July 19, 2024. The Esade-URL Executive MBA ranks #7 in Europe and #11 in the world, according to the 2024 Executive MBA 2024 Executive MBA ranking published by QS, also responsible for the Top Universities and Top MBA rankings. This outstanding position is due particularly to Esade-URL's global leadership in the categories of career advancement and student diversity, and its #8 ranking for reputation amongst employers in Europe.

Joan Rodón, dean of Esade Business School, has no doubt that "this acknowledgement of our Executive MBA reflects the program's ability to advance our students' careers. At the end of the program, participants have acquired the skills and knowledge they need to be leaders in an ever-evolving global market fraught with intense geopolitical change." "During the program, 50% of participants experience a career change such as a promotion or change of company or new business venture - a figure climbing to 75% two years after completing the program," added Rodón.