
City of Fort Madison, IA

12/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2024 14:22

Roadway Safety Survey for Fort Madison

The Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission (SEIRPC) is developing a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) aimed at reducing and eliminating serious injury crashes and fatal crashes affecting all roadway users on public roads within Des Moines, Henry, Lee, and Louisa Counties. SEIRPC is one of 17 Councils of Government in Iowa.

The SEIRPC CSAP will be developed in accordance with the federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) funding program, making SEIRPC eligible for future funding through SS4A and other federal funding programs. The plan will be developed with the leadership of a consultant team alongside SERIPC and a broader group of stakeholders.

The federal SS4A grant program supports prioritized local safety initiatives by funding regional, local and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. The SS4A program supports the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Roadway Safety Strategy and exists with a goal of zero roadway deaths using a Safe System Approach.

As a resident of Southeast Iowa, your experiences are vital to the development of the SEIRPC plan. We ask for your participation in the CSAP survey to help us learn more about the issues affecting roadway users in the region. Whether you drive, walk, bike, or use a mobility device, we want to hear from you.