Nebraska Farm Bureau

09/27/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 13:44

At Nebraska Farm Bureau, we’re proud to see the strength and unity of Nebraska’s agricultural ...

At Nebraska Farm Bureau, we're proud to see the strength and unity of Nebraska's agricultural community in response to the EPA Draft Insecticide Strategy. This proposed strategy poses serious challenges to our farmers by imposing restrictions that could hinder crop production, increase costs, and threaten the effective pest management systems that are crucial to maintaining the health of our fields. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our members, the EPA should be clear about Nebraska's thoughts on the issue.

What Is the EPA Draft Insecticide Strategy?

The EPA Draft Insecticide Strategy proposes new regulations that aim to restrict the use of certain insecticides based on concerns about their environmental impact. For the history behind why this is happening, see our newswire on the final herbicide strategy.

While well-intentioned, this strategy would limit access to essential pest control tools, particularly in states like Nebraska, where agriculture is the backbone of our economy.

The strategy includes measures that could:

  • Reduce the availability of critical insecticides that protect crops from destructive pests.
  • Mandate additional costly compliance measures that many family farms simply cannot afford.
  • Jeopardize crop yields by preventing timely application of necessary pesticides, leading to potential increases in crop damage and losses.

For Nebraska's farmers, these changes pose a direct threat to their ability to grow healthy, abundant crops. At a time when food security is more important than ever, our farmers need access to effective pest management tools without burdensome regulations that make their work harder and more expensive.

Detrimental Effects on Nebraska Farmers

Nebraska's farmers rely heavily on insecticides to protect their crops from the numerous pests that threaten their livelihood. The draft strategy fails to account for the unique challenges faced by agricultural producers in our state, including:

  • Pest Pressure: Nebraska's diverse crop system, including corn, soybeans, and wheat, faces constant pest pressure. The restrictions proposed by the EPA could lead to a loss of control over these pests, leading to reduced crop yields and increased financial strain on producers.
  • Increased Input Costs: The proposed regulations would likely increase the cost of pest control measures, driving up input costs at a time when many farmers are already facing tight margins. This could make it harder for small and medium-sized farms to stay competitive.
  • Limited Flexibility: The new rules would significantly limit the flexibility farmers currently have in applying insecticides, which is essential for dealing with unpredictable weather patterns and pest infestations. Farmers need adaptable solutions, not one-size-fits-all regulations.

Thank You for Taking Action

In response to this threat, Nebraska Farm Bureau submitted detailed comments to the EPA outlining the harmful consequences of this strategy for our farmers and ranchers. But we didn't stop there. We issued an action alert, encouraging our members and supporters to make their voices heard. The response was positive - over 200 people submitted comments.

To those who took the time to stand up for Nebraska agriculture, we want to say thank you. Your engagement shows the strength of our farming community and the vital role we play in shaping policies that affect our livelihoods. By submitting comments, you've helped ensure that Nebraska's farmers have a voice in this critical conversation.

What's Next?

The final insecticide strategy is expected to be released in spring of 2025. While we wait for EPA to shape the final strategy, your comments have put the concerns of Nebraska's farmers front and center. We will continue to advocate for policies that protect our environment while ensuring that our farmers have the tools they need to succeed.

Nebraska Farm Bureau remains committed to supporting our members through ongoing challenges. We will keep you updated on any developments related to the EPA's Insecticide Strategy and what it means for Nebraska's agricultural community.

Thank you again to everyone who took action. Your voice matters, and together, we can protect the future of farming in Nebraska.

If you wish to read the final herbicide strategy, it is found on the official webpage. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kole Pederson, Director of Environmental & Regulatory Affairs, at [email protected].