Province of New Brunswick

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 12:19

Standing committee on official languages established

FREDERICTON (GNB) - The provincial government has created a new legislative standing committee on official languages.

The committee was announced by Government House Leader Marco LeBlanc during today's legislative session.

"As Canada's only bilingual province, it is critical that New Brunswick examines and celebrates our two official languages," said LeBlanc. "This new committee, as recommended by the review of the Official Languages Act, will provide an opportunity to have critical discussions on how we can improve access to and learning of both languages across the province."

The committee will meet in the coming weeks to develop its own mandate based on best practices and recommendations from a report by Judge Yvette Finn and John McLaughlin, and in consultation with key stakeholders.

LeBlanc said government members are eager for the committee to begin work on official languages policy and programs, and to address reports from the commissioner of official languages, with whom the committee will work closely.
