City of Grande Prairie

12/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2024 13:03

Snow clearing update, December 2-6

December 2:

Freezing rain has been forecasted for the Grande Prairie region today. Please drive for the conditions, give yourself time and remember to give clearing and sanding equipment plenty of space (at least three car lengths) to protect your vehicle.

Considering the warmer temperatures expected today, water trucks will be out controlling drainage.

Daily Update:

  • Residential clearing is occurring throughout the day in Monday, "Week B" neighbourhoods: Crystal Heights, Crystal Landing, Summit and Ivy Lake Estates.
  • Blading and snow blowing crews are working on 102 Avenue before moving onto 108 Avenue focusing on clearing and windrow removal.
  • Sanding plows are patrolling Priority 1 and 2 roads as well as outskirt areas.
  • Parking lot maintenance is underway at City Hall, Firehalls and Eastlink Centre.

Residential snow clearing has been initiated. Temporary parking restrictions will be in place tomorrow, December 3 for Tuesday, "Week B" neighbourhoods: Country Club Estates, Countryside North and South, Signature Falls and Country Club West

Permanent snow route parking bans are active. The ban restricts parking on permanent snow routes (priority 1 and 2 routes) from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. until the ban is lifted.

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