AIP - Associação Industrial Portuguesa

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 06:25

Visitantes do 1.º Festival de Street Food das Terras da Costa e do Mar confirmam sucesso dos produtores do Agroparque com apoio da AIP

AIP once again fulfilled its mission of boosting the Portuguese business sector and defending the interests of Portuguese companies by supporting producers and products from Terras da Costa and Mar in its first street food festival, an event it organized on the 12th , July 13th and 14th, at Parque Urbano da Costa da Caparica, in partnership with Almada City Council.

The hundreds of visitors to the 1st Street Food Festival of Terras da Costa e do Mar were able to taste snacks made with local products, and enjoy showcooking sessions, workshops, fresh produce and craft markets, music and other physical and leisure.

The Terras da Costa e do Mar brand is part of a project by the Almada City Council, which is based on the development of an agricultural area and local consumption, valuing the products produced in Agroparque. It is part of the Metropolitan Plan to Support Disadvantaged Communities and includes financing of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), specifically the strategic plan for the execution of Local Integrated Operation 2 - Costa da Caparica.

AIP supports the creation of agricultural business

AIP is helping producers in the agri-food park in Costa da Caparica to develop a profitable business, within the territory and governed by sustainability criteria.

Training, agricultural studies and agricultural technical support are three main areas of its intervention to boost business profitability, bringing them, from the point of view of management and results, to another dimension.