
Delegation of the European Union to Colombia

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 07:06

HRC 57 - Interactive Dialogue following the High Commissioner’s report on Nicaragua


Interactive Dialogue following the High Commissioner's report on Nicaragua

9 September 2024

EU Intervention

Mr President,

The European Union thanks the High Commissioner for his report on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua.

The EU calls on the authorities to respect, protect and fulfil human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to a nationality, academic freedom, freedoms of expression and association, freedom of religion or belief,and to uphold the rule of law.

We reiterate the need to put an end to restrictions on civic and democratic spaces, to respect dissenting voices, and to combatdiscrimination, including towards indigenous communities and the families of those living in exile.We welcome the recent release of 135 political prisoners and the efforts of the US and Guatemala to that effect, and we continue to call for the release of all remaining political prisoners.

The EU is particularly concerned and has spoken up about grave restrictions on civil society organisations, as shown by the recent ban of more than 1,600 NGOs, increasing the number of shuttered NGOs to over 5,000 since 2018.

We call the authorities tocooperate genuinely with the OHCHR, the Group of Experts, and other human rights mechanisms, and to allow their return to Nicaragua.

The EU reaffirms its support to the Nicaraguan people and its commitment to support all efforts aimed at finding a democratic, peaceful and negotiated solution to the on-going political crisis through a meaningful dialogue between the authorities and all relevant stakeholders.

Mr High Commissioner,

How can the international community support NGOs that face reprisals and repression, in Nicaragua and beyond, as well asindividuals in exile?

Thank you.