North Norfolk District Council

07/05/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/04/2024 21:28

Parliamentary Election Results for North Norfolk Constituency

Date published: 5th July 2024

The North Norfolk Parliamentary Elections were held on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Results for the Parliamentary Election Results for North Norfolk Constituency are as follows:

North Norfolk Constituency Parliamentary Election Results

Name of Candidate

Number of Votes

Aquarone, Steffan (Liberal Democrats)

19,488 Elected

Baker, Duncan (Conservative Party)


Cordiner-Achenbach, Cathy (Labour Party)


Dixon, Elizabeth Anne (Green Party)


Patchett, Jason Malcolm (Reform UK)


Total Votes Cast: 47,185 out of 71,438

Total Turnout: 66.05%

Broadland and Fakenham Constituency Parliamentary Election Results

The Broadland and Fakenham Constituency Parliamentary Election was counted by Broadland and South Norfolk District Council. Results to follow.

Election of a District Councillor: North Walsham East

Bossingham, Michael Edward (Green Party) 186 votes

Ginbey, Tracey Michala (The Conservative Party) 717 votes

Leith, Catherine Mary (Liberal Democrats) 959 votes - Elected

Russell, David Edwin (Labour Party) 236 votes

Total Turnout: 56.21%

Wells-next-the-Sea Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Results of the Wells Neighbourhood Plan Referendum to follow.