Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federative Republic of Brazil

08/22/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Visit of Minister Mauro Vieira to the Philippines – August 23rd

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira, will make an official visit to the Philippines on August 23rd. This will be the first visit by a Brazilian foreign minister to the Philippines since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1946.

In Manila, Minister Vieira will be hosted by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Enrique Manalo. They will hold a meeting to discuss key aspects of the bilateral relationship, in particular trade and investment, bioenergy, education, technical cooperation, defense and the peaceful use of space. They will also address global issues , in particular climate action, food security and global governance reform.

The visit to the Philippines is also part of Brazil's broad strategy for engaging with the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a bloc of ten countries in the region with which Brazil holds the status of "Sectoral Dialogue Partner".

In 2023, bilateral trade flow reached a record $1.86 billion, with exports of $1.55 billion and a favorable Brazilian surplus of $1.24 billion. Brazil stands out in animal protein exports to the Philippine market as the main supplier of beef and chicken and as the second largest supplier of pork. The Philippines is the second largest market for Brazilian pork.