Arizona Department of Transportation

11/18/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/18/2024 07:09

‘Move Over,’ slow down and keep first responders safe during Crash Responder Safety Week

During Crash Responder Safety Week, which runs from Nov. 18-22, you may notice a traffic safety message about Arizona's "Move Over" law displayed on our overhead message signs. Arizona's "Move Over" law requires motorists to move over one lane - or slow down if it is not safe to do so - when driving by any vehicle with flashing lights pulled to the side of a road or highway.

We hope that with these messages, we can remind motorists to give first responders the space they need to safely work and clear incidents off the roadway and ultimately change driver behavior. First responders - from law enforcement, to tow truck operators, to ADOT's Incident Response Unit, sponsored by GEICO, and more - put their lives on the line to help motorists after crashes occur on highways.

We all have a duty to help keep them and other motorists driving past a scene safe.

Remember to slow down, stay alert and move over a lane if you see a vehicle with flashing lights on the side of the road - even passenger cars. If you've been involved in a minor crash without injuries, practice "quick clearance" and move your vehicle from the roadway if it is operable and safe to do so.