Bill Huizenga

07/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/01/2024 14:08

Huizenga Introduces Legislation to Protect the People of Burma, Strengthen Sanctions Against Military Junta

On Thursday, Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) marked the launch of the first-ever bipartisan Congressional Burma Caucus Event with the introduction of H.R. 8863, the BRAVE Burma Act. This bill addresses the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Burma by cutting off the ruthless military junta from the revenue sources it uses to facilitate acts of genocide against the Burmese civilian population. Joining Congressman Huizenga in introducing H.R. 8863 was fellow Burma Caucus co-chair Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) as well as Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO).

"The United States can and must do more to protect the people of Burma and stop the genocide being committed by the military junta," said Congressman Bill Huizenga. "This bipartisan bill moves to cut off the primary source of funding for the regime and diminish its ability to conduct horrific airstrikes on civilian populations."

"On behalf of the Burmese community and its supporters in the constituency, I express our gratitude and welcome the establishment of the Congressional Burma Caucus. Through this caucus, we hope to spotlight the dire situation and the developing humanitarian crisis in Burma (Myanmar). We urge the United States to lead efforts in restoring democracy in Burma through more vigorous engagement facilitated by the Burma Caucus. The Burmese diaspora also hopes that the Burma Caucus will collaborate closely with Burmese advocacy groups who possess a deeper understanding of the situation on the ground in Burma." - Dr. Than N. Oo, Co-Chair, Burma Center of Battle Creek


The BRAVE Burma Act requires the President to determine, on an annual basis, whether to impose stronger blocking sanctions on Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, Myanma Economic Bank, and foreign persons operating in the jet fuel sector of the Burmese economy.

Additionally, BRAVE Burma Act would require the Secretary of the Treasury to limit any increase in Myanmar's influence at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as long as it is governed by the military junta. Not only will this prevent Myanmar from gaining in voting power, but it will also limit the junta's ability to borrow from the IMF. Lastly, this bill appoints a Senate-approved Special Coordinator for Burmese Democracy at the Department of State. The goal of this position is to develop a comprehensive strategy for implementing the full range of US diplomatic capabilities to promote human rights and the restoration of a civilian government in Burma.

The Congressional Burma Caucus was established earlier this year on February 1, 2024 to coincide with the three-year anniversary of the military coup. This caucus was created to bolster congressional support for the Burmese people in their fight for democracy and human rights against the brutal military junta. Congressman Huizenga serves as the Republican Co-Chair of the Congressional Burma Caucus.