Houses of the Oireachtas

07/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/09/2024 07:54

Enterprise Committee to discuss the sub minimum wage rates with Mandate, ISME and ESRI

9 Jul 2024, 14:47

The Joint Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment will meet on Wednesday the 10th for a discussion on Sub-Minimum Rates of the National Minimum Wage.

The meeting will take place in Committee Room 1 of Leinster House from 10:00 to 12:30.

The following representatives are due to appear:
• Greg Caffrey, Mandate Trade Union,
• Neil McDonnell, Irish Small and Medium Enterprises (ISME),
• Dr. Paul Redmond, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Maurice Quinlivan said, "The topic of sub-minimum wages has received significant attention in recent years, at both a national and international level. In 2023, it was found that Ireland was in breach of its labour rights obligations under the European Social Charter, due to sub-minimum wage rates being deemed too low to allow a decent standard of living."

"The minimum wage is currently €12.70 per hour, however legislation allows employers to pay young workers an age-based sub-minimum rate. Those aged under 18 can be paid 70% of the full rate, those aged 18 can be paid 80%, while those aged 19 can be paid 90%. Other types of workers are also exempt in legislation from being paid the full minimum wage rate. One of the main arguments in favour of sub-minimum wages for young people is to ensure that wages are not set at a rate that is so high that employers are discouraged from hiring them as they may have less experience and lower productivity than older workers. Meanwhile, the main argument against sub-minimum youth rates is the equality argument: there should be 'equal pay for equal work', and age should not be used as a means of discrimination. We look forward to hearing the views of representatives on this issue."

Watch the meeting live here or on the Oireachtas smartphone app for Apple and Android.