Parliament of South Africa

09/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/21/2024 16:45

Media Statement: Committee on Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Welcomes Reports on Implementation of DDM Nationally

Parliament, Saturday, 21 September 2024 - The Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation received briefings yesterday from the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) on progress in the implementation of the District Development Model (DDM) in the provinces.

The committee heard that the policy framework underpinning the DDM aims to strengthen alignment between short, medium and long-term planning processes across national, provincial and local spheres of government. That alignment includes the development of the National Integrated Planning Framework Bill, which is currently being finalised for consideration by Cabinet.

The DPME informed the committee that all districts and metros have developed their "One Plans" as part of the DDM rollout. It said the challenge is on the lack of full participation by national government departments and state-owned entities. Other challenges that were highlighted by the DPME included underfunded catalytic projects in some districts and limited spatial referencing of planned interventions.

The committee called for clear accountability mechanisms from DDM political champions that were appointed by the President. The committee also called for regular reporting from them on progress and challenges in the districts they are responsible for.

On strengthening joint planning, the committee recommended that the DPME, COGTA and the National Planning Commission must work together to develop a roadmap for improving long-term planning and integration across the three spheres of government within the DDM framework. This is crucial according to the committee, to ensure alignment between national, provincial and local development priorities.

The committee noted the work done by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) to develop DDM-focused outcome indicators. The committee urged the DPME to collaborate with Stats SA to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of the DDM implementation, drawing on Stats SA's data and analytical capabilities.

"The DDM presents an important opportunity to enhance integrated planning and service delivery at the local level," said the committee Chairperson, Ms Teliswa Mgweba.

She added: "The success of the DDM hinges on active participation and coordination between national, provincial and local governments, as well as with other key stakeholders. Today's discussions have highlighted areas that require urgent attention to ensure the DDM achieves its intended objectives."

The committee resolved to continue its engagements with the relevant departments to monitor progress on addressing the issues raised during the meeting. It also emphasised the need for the ministers of COGTA and DPME to participate in future deliberations on the DDM.


For media inquiries or interviews with the Chairperson, please contact the committee's Media Officer:
Name: Yoliswa Landu (Ms)
Cell: 081 4974694
E-mail: [email protected]