City of New York, NY

07/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2024 06:37

Transcript: Mayor Adams Appears Live On CNN’s “CNN Breaking News”

July 21, 2024

Erin Burnett: Let's bring in the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams. Mayor Adams, I appreciate your time. Look, just so everyone knows where you've stood over these past few weeks, you have been steadfast. You have stood by President Biden, and you have done so, as many others, made a different decision. You stood by him. How do you feel right now, mayor? Do you believe he made the right decision by dropping out?

Mayor Eric Adams: I think that we're seeing a real indicator of patriotism, a person who is willing to relinquish their personal desires to do what's right for our country. That is why I was saying I was riding with Biden, because I think he has shown us over the years, no matter what tragedies he may have faced, that he wanted to always do what's best for America. He made that decision. I think it's time now for the Democratic Party to determine a very clear message for the future.

Burnett: All right. That clear message, what is that? From your perspective, mayor, is that you're taking, as many others have today, but not everyone. Are you endorsing Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee for president?

Mayor Adams: I think the clear message is what's best for New Yorkers and Americans. Affordability is a real issue, public safety, securing our borders and making sure we have a message for our children and a clear direction. That's what the people want. Now there's a process in place. I'm a delegate and I don't want to do anything that's going to interfere with that process. I'm looking forward to sitting down with the other delegates and the leaders of the party to determine our next steps.

Burnett: All right. A couple of questions on that. First, you mentioned the border and immigration. That is an issue, of course, that has been absolutely central to the city of which you are the mayor. You have voiced frustration with Vice President Harris, who, of course, was in charge of the border for President Biden as your city has struggled with a surge of migrants. You said she had too much in her portfolio at one point when you were frustrated. Is that why you're hesitant? I know you're talking about a process, but obviously many others are coming out and straight out endorsing her. You're obviously opting not to do that. Is the border why?

Mayor Adams: No, you're not receiving any hesitation from me. I've been frustrated with the national leadership. Dealing with immigration reform is something that we have failed at for years, even prior to this administration. That was very clear. We needed one person, a czar, deal with the influx of migrants that were coming to our country who were paroled in. In areas where I disagree, it does not deal with the overwhelming number of areas where I agree. I agree that this administration has done an amazing job for America around those important issues.

Burnett: All right. Just to be clear, though, are you formally endorsing Vice President Harris today or not?

Mayor Adams: I think I was clear that there's a process and we're going to follow that process. I'm a delegate and as a delegate, I'm going to ensure that we engage in the communication that's needed for the next step. This is still fresh. This just happened a few hours ago and we will move forward accordingly.

Burnett: It's important, as you mentioned, you are a delegate, so you've got a vote in this. You want to process. I want to ask you about something else, mayor, that you may not have heard of, because you were probably literally hooked in to talk to us. Jake Tapper, my colleague, is reporting that sources close to Senator Joe Manchin say that he is now considering re-registering as a Democrat to throw his hat in the ring. Do you support that?

Mayor Adams: What I support, I support the beauty of the frictionless process or the friction process of democracy. This is democracy. We should be proud that every time we change power, we do it in a peaceful way and whomever wants to run, they should have a right to do so. We make the decision on who is the best to represent our party.

Burnett: All right. Mayor Adams, I appreciate your time. We all do. Thank you so much.

Mayor Adams: Thank you.