City of New York, NY

07/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2024 06:37

Transcript: Mayor Adams Appears On ABC7’s “Eyewitness News At 11”

July 21, 2024

Sade Baderinwa: When we talk about the upcoming convention, there are no fewer than 3,939 Democratic delegates who will formally choose the party's nominee.

Bill Ritter: One of those delegates, New York Mayor Adams. Tonight we spoke, he did anyway, with Eyewitness News anchor Mike Marza. Like many others, he did not endorse Kamala Harris or anyone else.

Mike Marza: Have you made a determination yet if you are going to support who President Biden favors to be stepping into his role, Vice President Harris?

Mayor Eric Adams: This is fresh, the announcement just took place, I'm a delegate, and there's a process that we're going to go through, and I'm going to respect that process and allow those who are the party leaders to determine what the next steps are that we will make.

Marza: The DNC is set to kick off four weeks from tomorrow. As part of this process, what are you looking for as for clarity in how you move forward as a party going into that next month?

Mayor Adams: That is so important, and I think that I'm hoping, as I said years ago on those important issues that impact everyday New Yorkers and Americans, I think we must enter the convention and leave with a very clear message so Americans can know what we stand for as a party and make the right decision as we continue to move our country forward.

Marza: Now that the decision has been made, and President Biden has decided that he will not seek re-election, there does already seem to be just an increase of energy. We see that the DNC is already fundraising off of this announcement. Do you sense that same level of energy talking with your fellow Democrats tonight?

Mayor Adams: Yes, I think people have let out a sigh of relief. People want clarity. Uncertainty is something that no one wants to live through. We saw after the debate how people felt. There were different opinions on both sides, and I heard people that said he should stay in. I heard people say that he should leave. Now we have clarity. He gave us the clarity that we need, and so we can't use it as an excuse. Now it's time to forge ahead for the future of the American people.

Marza: Mayor Adams, let's fill in the blank here. The Democrats will win the White House in November if what happens?

Mayor Adams: If their message is clear. Americans want clarity. They don't want uncertainty. We need a clear message on how we're going to make this an affordable city and country and how we're going to deal with our border to make sure that we answer those questions and to deal with some of the crises we're facing. We need a clear message for the American people when we leave that convention, and then we can continue to lead this country.