AEM - Association of Equipment Manufacturers

09/11/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 13:52

AEM Awards 2024 Champion of the Industry Award to Bipartisan Lawmakers

AEM has awarded U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa), and U.S. Representative Don Davis (D-N.C.) its prestigious Champion of the Industry Award. The award, presented for the fourth time in the association's 130-year history, recognizes members of Congress from both sides of the aisle for their steadfast support of the equipment manufacturing industry and their efforts to advance bipartisan, commonsense solutions to the country's toughest challenges.

"The Association of Equipment Manufacturers is proud to honor Senators Capito and Warnock and Representatives Feenstra and Davis, who have demonstrated the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our industry forward," said Kip Eideberg, AEM senior vice president of government and industry relations. "We need leaders, like these four members of Congress, who have the courage to pursue common ground and bold solutions to our nation's toughest challenges. We are grateful to each of them for their unwavering commitment to bipartisanship during this pivotal moment for our country."

The AEM Champion of the Industry, the association's most prestigious award, is reserved for one Democrat and one Republican from each legislative chamber who have championed legislation important to equipment manufacturers and have worked across the aisle to help move the industry forward. Candidates are considered and approved by the AEM Government and Public Affairs Committee.

"I am honored to receive the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' Champion of the Industry Award. West Virginia is home to many equipment manufacturers and supports this sector that plays a crucial role in America's economy," said Senator Capito. "I was glad to champion the American Investment in Manufacturing Act, which would restore interest deductibility as an important step to ensure our tax code supports equipment manufacturing. I will continue working together with my colleagues to find solutions that support those who are helping build up our nation, like the 2.3 million men and women who make up the equipment manufacturing industry."

"I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, but the highest honor is being able to help create jobs that put American manufacturing back at the forefront of our economy and uplift thousands of workers along the way," said Senator Warnock. "I believe when we center people in the policymaking, we have a better chance of getting the policy right. So, I will continue working in a bipartisan manner to champion the dignity of work for manufacturers across Georgia and the country."

"Agriculture's success relies heavily on equipment manufacturers," said Representative Davis. "I take pride in collaborating with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers to advance agricultural and equipment manufacturing priorities. This industry plays a critical role in feeding and fueling our country, and I will continue to fight for policies that strengthen this vital sector and create jobs in North Carolina."

"I am humbled to be one of four lawmakers to receive the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' Champion of the Industry Award this year," said Representative Feenstra. "Equipment manufacturers help our farmers feed and fuel our country and the world, and it is important that we advance policies that support American manufacturing and the good jobs this industry creates. I will continue to advocate for pro-growth tax and agricultural policies that strengthen our economy, bolster American agriculture, and support our equipment manufacturers."

"America needs leaders who have the political courage to look past partisanship and work with their colleagues across the aisle to move our country forward," said Pat Weiler, president of Weiler and the 2024 chair of AEM's Government and Public Affairs Committee. "We are grateful to Senators Capito and Warnock and Representatives Davis and Feenstra for their steadfast leadership on behalf of our industry and look forward to continuing to work with them to advance policies that will help equipment manufactures invest in their communities, grow their businesses, and create more family-sustaining jobs."

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