02/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/08/2024 06:04
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening,
You know that following the surge of tensions in the Middle East, Russia is doing its best to help people who have been taken hostage. It is common knowledge that the Russian Foreign Ministry is cooperating with the political wing of Hamas, and, generally, there are certain results.
Of course, our attention is focused on citizens of the Russian Federation, but not only on them. We also help citizens of other countries, including elderly people, who went through the Holocaust, and their family members.
As I said, there are certain results, but I understand and know that these efforts must continue. This is what we are doing, and I wanted to discuss details of this work with you.
Published in sections: News, Transcripts
Publication date: February 7, 2024, 23:40
Direct link: en.kremlin.ru/d/73403