Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce

06/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/25/2024 17:09

L.A. Area Chamber Releases Statement on Proposed Permanent Sales Tax

by L.A. Area Chamber

LOS ANGELES, CA - June 25, 2024 - The Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce released the following statement on the Affordable Housing, Homelessness Solutions and Prevention Now measure.

"The L.A. Area Chamber has consistently supported solutions that address housing affordability and homelessness. While we appreciate the spirit of this measure, we cannot support it. The measure lacks accountability and oversight, which are essential to ensuring that funds are allocated effectively. Additionally, it lacks a sunset clause or any real process for future widescale reform, which is crucial to prevent the tax from becoming permanent and indefinite. Therefore, we oppose this measure," stated Maria S. Salinas, President and CEO of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.


About Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce

The Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of a broad spectrum of organizations across the private, non-profit, academic, and public sectors, including the business community, job creators, and innovators in the Los Angeles region. Our mission is to design and advance opportunities and solutions for a thriving regional economy that is inclusive and globally competitive. As the oldest and largest business association in the region, the Chamber has a long-standing history of convening business leaders, communities, and policy makers to promote a vibrant economy. For more information visit www.lachamber.com