DA - Democratic Alliance

05/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/21/2024 05:39

DA will assist SASSA beneficiaries robbed by the Post Office

DA will assist SASSA beneficiaries robbed by the Post Office

Issued by Bridget Masango MP - DA Shadow Minister of Social Development

21 May 2024 in News

Please find attached a soundbite by Bridget Masango MP.

The DA takes note of reports that South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) social grant beneficiaries are being robbed of part of their grant at the Gatesville Post Office. According to the reports, beneficiaries whose funds are deposited into their Post Bank accounts are regularly not receiving their full grants.

We encourage all SASSA grant recipients who have fallen victim to this heinous crime at Gatesville Post Office, and other Post Offices to get in contact with us so we can assist them with opening a case with the police.

It is shocking that thieves continue to target South Africa's poorest and most vulnerable citizens. The DA will not stand for this. The Ministers of Social Development and Communications and Digital Technologies, Lindiwe Zulu and Mondli Gungubele, must launch an investigation into the alleged looting immediately, compensate stolen funds, and ensure that any loopholes where thieves are able to steal SASSA beneficiaries' money are completely eradicated.