Michigan Democratic State Central Committee

26/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 27/07/2024 07:50

Weekly Roundup: Michigan Dems Applaud Biden’s Passing of the Torch, Harris’ Historic Candidacy, and Michigan’s Landmark Budgets

This week, as the campaign shifts, Michigan Dems aren't skipping a beat turning out voters and delivering for Michiganders

LANSING - This week, Michigan Dems were energized as Kamala Harris took on the top of the ticket and Governor Whitmer signed not one but two landmark budgets into law this week. Since President Biden's historic choice, Michigan Democrats haven't skipped a beat in engaging with our communities as the campaign continues forward.

At the top of the ticket, no one is better prepared than Vice President Harris to prosecute the case against, and beat, Donald Trump. Harris has spent the past four years as a governing partner in the most successful administration in modern American history - and she has made it clear that she is fighting for a fairer economy, protecting Americans' freedoms, and defending the foundation of our democracy. Michigan Dems across the state and at every level are fired up to help turn out voters and deliver Michigan for Vice President Harris.

Stateside, Governor Whitmer signed the general and education budgets this week - infusing millions of dollars into schools and communities across Michigan. These budgets invest in Michiganders' families, businesses, and towns, yet many Republicans couldn't be bothered to lift a finger to pass these life-changing pieces of legislation.

Want to read more from this week? Check out below:

This week was marked by unity and energy, as Michigan Democrats at every level cheered on Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic nominee. Local leaders, elected officials, and our very own Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes were all ready to go out and make history as we deliver Michigan for Vice President Kamala Harris:

The Hill: Why Democrats are quickly rallying around Harris

  • Democrats are rapidly coalescing around Vice President Harris following news that she would replace President Biden as the party's standard-bearer in November…
  • "We were all pretty much together in those conversations that it needed to be the vice president," Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes said, referring to other Democrats she was in contact with. "There really isn't time to move on to anyone else. It is time for this vice president to step up."

Michigan Advance: Many Michigan Black political and religious leaders throw their support to Harris for president

  • "My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President," Biden said. "And it's been the best decision I've made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats - it's time to come together and beat Trump. Let's do this…"
  • "In addition to Gilchrist, several Black Democratic leaders have already endorsed Harris, including Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes, who said on Sunday she's "fired up and ready to elect Vice President Harris this November as she works tirelessly to defend our democracy and defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA agenda."

By mid-week, as delegates across the country coalesced around our new nominee, Michigan's Biden delegates came together and overwhelmingly endorsed Vice President Harris' candidacy. Our party has been organizing in every single county across Michigan for months now, and we are more than ready to hit the ground running in the new phase of this campaign:

Detroit Free Press: Biden's Michigan delegates vote 'overwhelmingly' to endorse VP Harris

  • "Michigan has 138 delegates to help decide the nomination, including 21 unpledged delegates or "superdelegates," a group that includes Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Barnes and the state's Democratic members of Congress. Most of that group has already formally endorsed Harris as the nominee…"
  • "Our party and our delegation are built on values of hard work, community, and building a brighter future - and that is exactly what Kamala Harris represents," said Michigan Democratic Party Chairwoman Lavora Barnes. "She has been a tireless fighter for reproductive rights, workers' rights and growing the middle class.

CBS Detroit: Michigan Democratic delegates vote to endorse Kamala Harris as nominee in presidential race

  • "Our party and our delegation are built on values of hard work, community, and building a brighter future - and that is exactly what Kamala Harris represents. She has been a tireless fighter for reproductive rights, workers' rights, and growing the middle class.
  • "Since the day she took office, Vice President Harris has clearly shown her dedication to Michiganders, their values, and their families. As a prosecutor and senator, she worked to keep her community safe from those who sought to harm it - now, as our nominee, she is doing the exact same thing as she fights to beat Donald Trump and his MAGA agenda once again.
  • "As delegates across the country rally behind Harris, we are excited to continue to unite this party so we can come together in November and elect Democrats up and down the ballot."

Don't take our word for it - check out Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes on NPR's 1A as she outlines the energy for VP Harris' campaign in Michigan. The party and the campaign have been flooded with volunteers looking to knock doors, send texts, and go out into their communities to spread the message of Kamala Harris' campaign:

NPR: 1A: What Kamala Harris means for Democrats' chances in swing states

  • "I have to tell you, we're fired up about Vice President Harris stepping up…"
  • "We have an 83-county strategy in Michigan, the 83 countries here in Michigan and we work in each and every one of them. We believe that there are, and we know, that there are Democrats in each and every one of these countries and we believe it's our job to go find each and every one of them, whether they're in the UP of Michigan, on the West Side of Michigan, or in Detroit, we're gonna find them, we're gonna turn then out, and we're gonna have them vote."

As the presidential race heated up, on the state level, Governor Whitmer signed not one but two historic, balanced budgets that will keep communities safe, lower costs, invest in students, and support countless Michiganders' health. The general budget will infuse billions into businesses, families, and individuals across the state while the education budget has once again hit an all-time high per-pupil investment to support our classrooms, teachers, and students.

Even with all of that good - MAGA MIGOP members still refused to get over their extremist agenda to help their constituents. It's not surprising, but it is still disappointing:

MIRS: Dems Flag Vulnerable House R's For Votes Against Local Projects

  • Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora BARNES said the state budget is a "huge success for working families" by supporting local businesses, building more affordable housing or hiring more police, fire and EMTs.
  • "It's disappointing, but not surprising, that too many of the MAGA MIGOP members in the Legislature opposed this life-changing legislation," Barnes said. "Time and time again, they have put their radical agenda ahead of their constituents because they simply don't care about serving the needs of Michiganders."

TLDR? This tweet says it best:

This election is already full of unprecedenteds, and we'll be there with you every step of the way fighting for Michigan. Til next week.

Signing off,

Michigan Dems
