Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

09/05/2024 | Press release | Archived content

The Foreign Ministry participated in the Santa Fe Business Forum

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship participated in the "Santa Fe Business Forum," a business event held from 3 to 5 September in the city of Rosario. In this context, the Foreign Ministry's Undersecretary for the Promotion of Exports, Investments, Education, Science and Culture, Ramiro Velloso, made a presentation before over 200 foreign buyers from 30 different countries on the policies and actions carried out by the Foreign Ministry headed by Diana Mondino to open new markets, promote exports and attract foreign direct investments.

During his presentation, Undersecretary Velloso referred to the trade missions, business agendas, market reports and actions for the detection of export opportunities carried out by the Foreign Ministry, among others, to assist companies and contribute to deepening their internationalization.

In addition, Undersecretariat officials discussed the Foreign Ministry's role in promoting and attracting direct foreign investments in the knowledge-based economy sector.

The Governor of the Province of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, was in charge of opening the event, which was also attended by other provincial authorities, including the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini; the Secretary for International Trade and Investments, Georgina Losada; and the mayor of the city of Rosario, Pablo Javkin.

The Foreign Ministry invited buyers, distributors and importers from different countries to participate in Business Rounds at the event.

In Santa Fe, the productive sector has a vast exporting tradition and is a leader in Argentina's production of soybean flour, biodiesel, milk and vegetable oils. The province also stands out in other sectors, such as agricultural and industrial machinery, food and biotechnology. In 2023, Santa Fe ranked as the second largest exporter in the country, as its exports accounted for 24.5% of Argentina's total exports.

This year, the Foreign Ministry has assisted companies from Santa Fe in their search for business opportunities abroad through different actions, including aid to prepare for the Gulfood Fair in Dubai and the Expoactiva Nacional exhibition in Uruguay, as well as the organization of trade missions to Brazil and Chile.