12/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/17/2024 11:24
This TEA is ready!
Time/Location: 8:30 a.m., Abilene City Hall, 555 Walnut St., second floor Council Chambers.
The agenda consists of two segments:
Consent Agenda: Items approved with one vote.
Regular Agenda: Items discussed individually.
Pre-Meeting Donation: Mosaic Church will donate funds for public safety needs.
Here's the TEA:
Public Works has two items on the Consent Agenda:
A repair contract to Bontke Brothers Construction Co. for a storm sewer pipe located under Glen Abbey St. Includes installing two concrete manholes, replacing an existing alley gutter, portions of curb and gutter, and repaving a portion of the roadway.
The second project is a material purchase of concrete for about $64,430 to reconstruct and improve the driveway at Fire Station 6 at 1482 Danville Drive.
Human Resources proposes purchasing stop-loss insurance, a risk-management tool that provides financial protection against catastrophic or unexpected medical claims.
A proposal for the Pedestrian Plaza Project at North 1st and Cypress (part of the former Abilene Reporter News site) will be presented to the Council. Using $148,500 of outside funding, the proposed professional services contract with La Terra Studio, LLC will include a boundary and topographic survey, design, construction documents, bidding, and construction observation.
If approved, the design would be complete and ready to bid by spring 2025, with construction completed about a year later.
Parks & Recreation has several items including:
A Memorandum of Understanding Agreement for Storybook Garden 2 , a continuation of an ongoing project with the Abilene Cultural Affairs Council to help bring children's illustrated literature to life through three-dimensional sculptures. The second location will be on the southwest lawn of the Abilene Convention Center and privately funded.