NPS - National Park Service

12/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 10:30

Open Outdoors for Kids Grant Supports Field Trips to Saguaro National Park

News Release Date:
December 3, 2024

Contact: Melanie Rawlins

TUCSON, Ariz. - Saguaro National Park is excited to announce that it has received the Open Outdoors for Kids grant from the National Park Foundation, supporting curriculum-based programs for K-8 schools in Tucson.The park is reintroducing pre- and post-visit experiences aimed at building anticipation and enthusiasm for a fun day outside. Depending on the needs of the school, these lessons may be in-person or live virtual programs that connect students and teachers with the park staff. Both options allow flexibility for teachers and enable park staff to engage kids with different learning strengths: verbal, visual, auditory, and game-like platforms. Programs use culturally affirming activities including language and traditional ecological knowledge. Students arrive better prepared for their trip, engage in meaningful reflection and assessment after their visit, and teachers receive tools to incorporate their park experience into classroom learning.

"We are so thrilled to be able to connect with Tucson students through these pre- and post-visit programs to enhance their experience to be excited about getting outdoors." said Beth Hudick, Interpretation, Education, and Outreach Manager at Saguaro National Park. "Field trips are always the gold standard, of course, but an experience before and after takes it to the next level."

The National Park Foundation is committed to ensuring that all youth have access to national parks and meaningful opportunities to develop a lifelong affinity for parks. The Open OutDoors for Kids program aims to foster the innate sense of wonder and curiosity that children have for the world around them and immerses students in national parks through field trips, classroom engagements, and educational activities.

Saguaro National Park is currently scheduling programs for grades K-12 including field trips, classroom visits, and distance learning beginning in January to the end of the school year in May. To request a ranger-guided field trip, classroom visit, or distance learning program, or for more information, please contact the Education Team by email at [email protected], by phone at (520)-400-5168, or online at

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