Ministry of Defence - Republic of Albania

07/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

In addressing the fires, Peleshi expressed heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable dedication of every military personnel involved

In addressing the fires, Peleshi expressed heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable dedication of every military personnel involved

Published: Tuesday, 16 July 2024 14:21

Fighting fires in these high temperatures and challenging terrain presents one of the greatest challenges for the Armed Forces during these summer months.

Defence MInister Niko Peleshi underscored this today, sharing the testimony of Colonel Dritan Durmishaj, a representative of the many soldiers who make daily sacrifices in service to our country and its citizens.

"I express profound gratitude for the unwavering dedication of every military personnel involved in this duty, demonstrating a deep sense of responsibility and humanity in safeguarding the lives of our citizens, their property, and our natural environment." - said Peleshi.

Colonel Durmishaj elaborated on the meticulous preparation required for each mission: "While aviation operations may seem straightforward to those outside the field, for pilots and technicians, it entails considerable preparation, including selecting optimal flight paths based on terrain characteristics. Operations become more challenging with higher terrain, exacerbated by varying loads and meteorological conditions." - he explained.

Reflecting on a recent mission, Colonel Durmishaj recounted: "We received a distress call from the NCPA regarding a forest fire in Klos, situated in steep, mountainous terrain, necessitating aerial intervention. Upon receiving the alert, our crews swiftly mobilized to assist ground firefighting forces."