China Post Group Co. Ltd.

08/21/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Stamps commemorating Deng Xiaoping’s 120th birth anniversary to be issued

Stamps commemorating Deng Xiaoping's 120th birth anniversary to be issued
|China Post News|2024-08-21

On August 22, China Post is to issue a set of four commemorative stamps entitled The 120th Anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's Birth. The designs of the four stamps are respectively named Diligent Work-Frugal Study Experiences, Years of Military Service, Spring of Science, and Reform and Opening-up.

Comrade Deng Xiaoping is recognized by the whole Party, the entire military and the people of all ethnic groups in China as an outstanding leader enjoying high prestige, a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist and diplomat. He was the chief architect of China's socialist reform, opening up and modernization, the trailblazer of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the principal creator of Deng Xiaoping Theory. Through oil painting portraits, this set of stamps vividly presents Comrade Deng Xiaoping's glorious career and charismatic demeanor. The stamps are collectively created by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and printed with photogravure technology by Beijing Stamp Printing House Company Limited. The denomination of the whole set is 4.80 yuan. Seven million sets of the stamps and 880,000 sheets for layout 2 are planned to be circulated.