City of Cambridge, MA

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 12:32

Cambridge Police Department Educational Enforcement Stops

Cambridge Police Department Educational Enforcement Stops

The Cambridge Police Department has been busy on bikes. Our Family and Social Justice Section has been conducting motor vehicle/bicycle education enforcement stops since mid-May. Officers have issued hundreds of citations, many of which are warnings. The goal? That offenders leave the traffic stop with a new perspective, making them safer operators.


During the same time frame, our Traffic Enforcement Unit has issued citations to drivers and cyclists:

  • 154 bicycle citations
  • 42 texting and driving citations
  • 69 overtaking a cyclist citations
  • 127 speeding citations

Cambridge Police Department works all year to protect the community by enforcing the rules of the road, with the objective of reducing the number and severity of crashes in the city. Many of the current enforcement programs are a direct response to community feedback regarding speeding and other violations. The Department also spends time educating the public about infrastructure changes, like new bike lanes or traffic patterns. We are committed to fostering greater traffic safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. You can find Tips for Safe Travelon the Community Development Department website.