11/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/20/2024 17:34
What is the Social Media Ban?
The Australian Government is proposing laws to introduce a minimum age for access to social media. The proposed laws will require technology companies to restrict individuals under the age of 16 years from accessing their social media platforms.
At this stage, the details have not been finalised, and it is not clear exactly how social media will be defined and whether there will be exemptions to allow continued access to certain types of platforms or content.
Given the potential for these laws to significantly interfere with the rights of children and young people, the Commission has serious reservations about the proposed social media ban. We are releasing this explainer ahead of the legislation being released and will update it once the bill is available.
What human rights will be impacted?
The social media ban is designed to protect children and young people from online harms and the negative impact social media is having on their well-being. This aim is consistent with the requirement in Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to encourage the development of appropriate guidelines to protect children from information and material that harms their well-being and Article 19 of the CRC that requires Governments to take measures to protection children from violence, abuse and maltreatment.
However, such a social media ban is likely to also have negative human rights impacts on children and young people. Where rights are limited to protect children from online harms, any limitations must be lawful, necessary and proportionate. This means using the least restrictive option available to achieve the intended purpose. If there are less restrictive options available to achieve the aim of protecting children from harm, they should be preferred over a blanket ban.
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, for example, has noted that content moderation and content controls should not be used to restrict children's access to information in the digital environment; they should be used only to prevent the flow of harmful material to children.
The proposed social media ban will affect various human rights contained in international human rights treaties, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the CRC. Some of the key rights that the social media ban will impact include:
Specific human rights principles applying to children
In addition to the above rights and freedoms, the CRC sets down additional considerations relating to children and young people.
The CRC requires that the best interest of the child be a primary consideration guiding all actions concerning children (Article 3(1) CRC) and that children are given meaningful opportunities to have their voices heard in matters that affect them.
Article 17 of the CRC notes the important function performed by the mass media (which includes social media) and obliges governments to ensure that children have access to information from a diversity of national and international sources, especially information aimed at promoting the social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health the child.
Article 12 of the CRC requires that the evolving capacities of children are taken into account. This recognises that children who are older have the capacity to express their views. Laws that impact children should be developed with their direct input - especially where those laws may negatively impact upon their enjoyment of human rights.
The CRC also recognises that it is parents and legal guardians that have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of their children (Articles 5 & 18 CRC).
Key Reasons to Introduce a Social Media Ban
Some of the key reasons to consider introducing a social media ban for under-16s in Australia include:
Key Reasons Against a Social Media Ban
Are there Alternative Options?
It is clear that we need to better protect children and young people online. On balance, the Australian Human Rights Commission does not believe that a blanket ban on social media for under-16s is the right response.
There are less restrictive alternatives available that could achieve the aim of protecting children and young people from online harms, but without having such a significant negative impact on other human rights.
One example of an alternative response would be to place a legal duty of care on social media companies. This would require them to take reasonable steps to make their products safe for children and young people. Introducing a statutory duty of care would be a proactive way to increase the accountability of social media companies and improve online safety for everybody. The Commission understands that such a duty of care is being considered by the government.
We also need to help children and young people to better navigate online spaces by ensuring the national curriculum includes a specific focus on teaching digital literacy and online safety. Young people should be taught to think critically about what they see online and how they engage with social media. Parents and teachers also need better tools and resources to help them provide appropriate guidance and support.
Our assessment of the proposed social media ban
There are arguments for and against the introduction of a social media ban for under-16s. While a ban may help to protect children and young people from online harms, it will also limit important human rights.
The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed a Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) tool to assess the impact of proposed laws on children's human rights. Undertaking a CRIA assessment will help the government assess how children's rights and wellbeing will be affected by the proposed ban, as well as ensuring that the unique needs and voices and children and young people are heard.
Based on the information currently available, the Australian Human Rights Commission has serious reservations about the proposed social media ban for children under 16 years of age.