ILO - International Labour Organization

11/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Malaysia strengthens labour dispute resolution capacity with advanced training in conciliation

Labour relations

Malaysia strengthens labour dispute resolution capacity with advanced training in conciliation

Department of Industrial Relations Malaysia, ILO and USFMCS collaborate to equip officers with new techniques for promoting workplace harmony and justice.

18 November 2024

PUTRAJAYA (ILO News) - The capacity of Malaysia's Department of Industrial Relations to effectively resolve disputes has been strengthened following training that saw participants learn advanced conciliation techniques tailored to Malaysia's unique labour landscape.

On 11-15 November 2024, 30 labour dispute resolution officers from across Malaysia gathered in Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia to take part in the training which was jointly organized and developed by the ILO Labour Law and Industrial Relations Reform Project in Malaysia, the Department of Industrial Relations of Malaysia, and the United States Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (USFMCS).

The programme introduced new conciliation techniques and tools to the labour dispute officers for more effective dispute resolution in Malaysia.

The course was tailored to the unique contexts and reality of Malaysia and delivered by Commissioners Barbara Baker and David Thaler from the USFMCS. Together they shared their two decades of knowledge and insight as senior mediators and extensive experience providing training to mediators and conciliators around the world.

Throughout the five days, the labour dispute resolution officers in Malaysia were exposed to theoretical frameworks for effective conciliation, including the psychology of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).


They also considered the balancing act between legal compliance and self-determination of the parties as well as the employment relationship dynamics of a unionized environment. Interest-based problem-solving models and the role of mediators/conciliators in collective bargaining were also discussed.

The participants, many of whom are seasoned conciliators with years of experience, actively engaged in guided role playing and simulations in different settings to practice and refine their conciliation skills.

In his keynote remarks, Khalid bin Jali, the Director General of Industrial Relations, underscored the importance of continuous labour dispute resolution capacity development in Malaysia, "This course was designed with key objectives in mind: to strengthen our understanding of core principles in labour dispute resolution, enhance our mediation skills, and equip us with practical techniques to handle complex cases effectively. These objectives are essential not only to the work of each of you as officers but also to the overall mission of our Department. By building these skills, we are reinforcing our ability to manage disputes fairly, promote workplace harmony, and support Malaysia's growth as a nation committed to justice and equity in labour relations."

The programme concluded with a certificate awards ceremony officiated by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Human Resources, Datuk Azman bin Mohd Yusof, to recognize the participants' achievements in successfully completing the training.

In his closing remarks, Datuk Azman bin Mod Yusof highlighted the value of ILO's technical support in Malaysia, "To the ILO team, thank you for the continuous support in empowering our mediation officers to be at the forefront of Malaysia's industrial relations landscape. This course aligns with our shared vision for a resilient, just, and harmonious workplace environment across Malaysia. Your commitment to advancing professional excellence within the Department of Industrial Relations emboldens our efforts to foster positive labour relations nationwide."

The ILO's Labour Law and Industrial Relations Reform (LLR) project in Malaysia is funded by the United States Department of Labor. Since 2017, the project has supported the amendments and implementation of crucial labour legislation in Malaysia in line with international labour standards and worked with its government, employer, and worker partners to strengthen the labour inspection and labour dispute resolution system in Malaysia.