Ministry of Finance of Malaysia

09/11/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Government Reduces Ron97 And Diesel Retail Prices By 15 Sen Each To RM3.25 And RM3.01 Per Litre Respectively From 12 To 18 September 2024

Government Reduces Ron97 And Diesel Retail Prices By 15 Sen Each To RM3.25 And RM3.01 Per Litre Respectively From 12 To 18 September 2024

Retail Price 11 September 2024

In line with the fluctuations in global crude oil prices and the ringgit's strengthening, the Government agrees to reduce the retail prices of RON97 by 15 sen to RM3.25 per litre, and diesel in Peninsular Malaysia by 15 sen per litre to RM3.01 per litre, from 12 September 2024 to 18 September 2024.

Since 8 August 2024 until now, the Government has lowered diesel's retail price in Peninsular Malaysia by 34 sen, and the retail price of RON97 by 22 sen. The Government will continue to monitor market developments and adjust the petroleum products' retail price based on global oil market fluctuations, whilst supporting price stability to ensure the continued welfare and well-being of the people.

Therefore, based on the weekly retail pricing of petroleum products using the Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM) formula, the retail prices of petroleum products from 12 September 2024 to 18 September 2024 are fixed as follows:

  1. the retail price of RON97 reduced by 15 sen at RM3.25 per litre;
  2. the retail price of RON95 petrol remains unchanged at RM2.05 per litre;
  3. the retail price of diesel in Peninsular Malaysia reduced by 15 sen at RM3.01 per litre; and
  4. the retail price of diesel in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan remains unchanged at RM2.15 per litre.

Kerajaan akan terus memantau kesan perubahan harga minyak mentah dunia serta mengambil langkah yang bersesuaian bagi memastikan kebajikan dan kesejahteraan rakyat terus terpelihara.

Ministry of Finance
11 September 2024