The President of Russia

27/07/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Congratulations to the national team of Russian schoolchildren who took part in the 54th International Physics Olympiad in Isfahan, Iran

The message reads, in part:

"I congratulate you on your excellent performance at the 54th International Olympiad in Physics in Isfahan, Iran.

You have honourably represented Russia at this prestigious competition, and demonstrated extraordinary intellectual and creative potential and thorough preparation. The medals that you won are a well-deserved reward for your talent, hard work, strong character and determination.

And of course, the warmest words of gratitude go to your teachers, mentors, and parents, who sincerely share your success."

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Daniil Gavrilov, Ivan Likhokon, Yegor Potapov and Alexei Gashpar were the recipients of gold medals. Alexander Anisimov received a silver medal.


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Published in section: News

Publication date: July 27, 2024, 21:30

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