The University of Kent

07/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 02:11

Kent's Space Week to simulate space mission (7-11 August)

Megan Bell :
Students from Kent Space Week 2023

Kent's School of Physics and Astronomy will host an astronomy and space science week for 14-17 year olds from the 7-11 August, in partnership with Kent County Council (KCC).

'Space Week' will run over five days with a series of sessions which will simulate a space mission.

Secondary school students will get the chance to work with Kent academics and postgraduate students and experience what it could be like to study astronomy and space science at degree level through engaging activities.

Activities will include:

  • Being part of a reverse funding panel where attendees will get to hear real research applications and give out "funding" to their favourite ideas
  • Designing and building rockets while learning about computation modelling
  • Coding space rovers to explore an alien world
  • Designing CubeSat missions, which attendees will then present as posters to VIP judges

A number of free events will also be held for the public to attend in the evenings of the week. There will be:

  • A tour of the University's Light Gas Gun facility and space artifact exhibition (Wednesday 7 August)
  • A guidance event for applying to the University (Thursday 8 August)
  • A public observatory night at the University's state-of-the-art Beacon Observatory (Saturday 10 August)

A rocket launching session by attendees who designed and built them will follow on Monday 12 August. This will also be open to public.

Dr Luke Alesbrook, Technical Specialist at the University's School of Physics and Astronomy, said: 'This is a great engaging event for secondary school students to get a taster of fun astronomy and space-based activities. From learning about practical aspects such as research funding to using space coding software and designing rockets, it gives a real sense of studying astronomy at degree level and shows that it can be for individuals with a wide range of interests.'

Canon Peter Bruinvels, KCC's Covenant Lead and Civilian-Military Liaison Adviser, said: 'This is great partnership working between the Armed Forces Family and the University of Kent. As Armed Forces Covenant Lead, I am so pleased to be part of this really interesting and ground-breaking initiative involving the young people of today as they take their first step into space.'

Those interested in attending any of the public events, can book a place via this form: . More information about the events can be found out by emailing: [email protected]

Students working on projects at Kent Space Week 2023