Delegation of the European Union to Japan

11/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/09/2024 21:01

OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation N°1086 Vienna, 11 September 2024

1.The European Union and its Member States congratulate Denmark on assuming its new position of the Chair of the OSCE's Forum for Security Co-operation. We thank Minister Løkke Rasmussen for his introductory remarks and for providing us with the overview of your plans for the Danish Chairpersonship of this Forum and its upcoming agenda. Dear Ambassador Groenbech-Jensen, we look forward to working with you and your team in your challenging yet crucial task of steering this Forum throughout the next four months.
2.Russia's unprovoked, unjustifiable and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine still remains as the primary focus of your Chairpersonship and the serious concern of all OSCE participating States. Recent developments clearly confirm why discussing the consequences of the brutal war of aggression should be at the forefront of our agenda. Over the last few weeks, the Russian Federation has launched large scale indiscriminate attacks when many civilians died as a consequence of this targeting of residential areas all across Ukraine. We commend Ukraine's unwavering resolve and continue to stand by Ukraine and its people in their righteous self-defence, in full compliance with international law and OSCE commitments.
3.The EU and its Member States strongly and unequivocally condemn Russia's blatant disrespect for international law, including international humanitarian law which goes against the very commitments of participating States of this Organisation. We also condemn the continued complicity and support provided by Belarus, which should immediately stop. This Forum must and will address these matters in any and all their forms within the remit of the politico-military dimension.Russia will be held accountable for its illegal actions.
4.Mr Chair, we welcome all three topics you have selected for the security dialogues during your FSC Chairpersonship and look forward to these dedicated discussions.The Code of Conduct on Politico-military Aspects of Security is marking its 30th anniversary later this year. Russia's war of aggression is a reminder of why we still need the Code and why all participating States should adhere to it.
5. The Women, Peace and Security agenda, as an integral part of the politico-military dimension, remains a crucial topic for this Forum. We must continue to focus our attention on this critical issue to strive for further progress.
6. Lastly, the Helsinki Final Act is a cornerstone not only of this Forum but of the entire OSCE, and certainly merits our attention. Today, the Decalogue is as important for guiding relations of all participating States as it was nearly 50 years ago.
7. All these mentioned areas are important matters that we should be discussing while meeting every week, as mandated. This Forum was conceived as a unique platform for dialogue on security issues and it should be utilised to its best potential.
8. Dear Ambassador, we count on your leadership and dedication in the coming trimester for this Forum to fully deliver on its mandate. You will have our support in your new role of the FSC Chair as will Croatia and Spain as members of the Troika.

Thank you.

The Candidate Countries NORTH MACEDONIA*, MONTENEGRO*, ALBANIA*, UKRAINE, the REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA*, and GEORGIA, the EFTA country LIECHTENSTEIN, the member of the European Economic Area, as well as ANDORRA and SAN MARINO align themselves with this statement.
* North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.