Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Singapore

09/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 04:59

Statement by Singapore Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Finance, Mr Chee Hong Tat at the Second Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference

Statement by Singapore Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Finance, Mr Chee Hong Tat at the Second Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference

11 Sep 2024Speeches
Minister for Civil Aviation of India, Shri Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu,
Mr Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the ICAO Council,
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen

1. Our gathering here in New Delhi is opportune. Emerging from the pandemic, Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region, driven by strong markets including India and ASEAN.

2. As demand grows, we must anticipate complex challenges that require knowledge and expertise beyond what we each can marshal. Collaboration amongst governments and with the private sector becomes critical. We need to pool knowledge, expertise, and resources to invest ahead of demand and build capabilities beyond what we individually can accomplish.

3. Singapore firmly supports ICAO, which is a resource multiplier for our individual national efforts. With ICAO and other Member States, we have established various regional collaborative platforms that allow us to work better together. Today, I would like to share my thoughts on three key areas, where we can better work together and leverage the collaborative platforms we have in the Asia Pacific region.

4. First, aviation safety. This is everyone's collective responsibility; we all have a part to play to identify and address safety risks. The Asia-Pacific Summit for Aviation Safety is an example of such collaborative efforts. Following the Summit, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore, are working towards signing a Memorandum of Understanding on a regional data sharing initiative to better identify and mitigate safety risks amongst ourselves. I would like to welcome more States to participate in these platforms so that we can better manage safety risks together.

5. Second, air traffic management. Growing capacities in the skies and boosting safety and efficiency are challenging tasks. We need close collaboration amongst air navigation service providers (ANSPs). The Asia and Pacific ANSP Committee which was set up last year under the leadership of Mr Ma Tao and ICAO provides a platform for ANSPs in the region to come together to work on tangible projects, including an Asia Pacific Trajectory Based Operations Pathfinder and Free Route Operations.

6. Under this initiative, the ANSPs of four States, Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Singapore, and their national carriers recently launched a user-preferred routing trial for 38 routes amongst them, allowing aircraft to fly more efficiently between destinations. Again, I would like to encourage more members to participate in the Asia and Pacific ANSP committee and its various projects.

7. Third, technology. To meet rising demand for air travel, we need to better leverage technology and innovation to improve the travel experience, address capacity and manpower challenges, and transform the way we work. Minister Naidu covered this earlier in his speech. A partnership-driven approach can help accelerate technology development and adoption through risk-sharing and pooling of expertise and resources. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) has taken a step to drive innovation for the global aviation industry by setting up the International Centre for Aviation Innovation. Collaborations on the regulatory front will also speed up approval and adoption of new technologies such as advanced air mobility and unmanned aircraft systems across States and support public education and outreach.

8. As we gather here in India, which is one of the fastest-growing air passenger markets worldwide, it is timely to take stock of how far we have come since the first Ministerial Conference six years ago. With the continued support of ICAO and deeper cooperation within the region, I am excited to see how we are transforming air travel to be safer and more efficient for all.

9. The Ministerial Declaration captures our aspirations and priorities for our aviation sector. Singapore stands ready and committed to working with the region and with ICAO to build a dynamic and vibrant aviation system.

10. Thank you.
