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Outsource Cold Calling: The Ultimate Guide [+ Cold Calling Tips for Sales Pros]

Outsource Cold Calling: The Ultimate Guide [+ Cold Calling Tips for Sales Pros]

Updated: October 16, 2024

Published: October 08, 2024

Cold calling. Doesn't the mere mention of it send shivers down your spine?

Even if that's not the case for you specifically, I can assure you that it is for many sales professionals (even the ones that swear they've become immune to its fearsome effects). You see, cold calling - no matter which way you feel about it - is simply a part of the sales biz.

But once in a blue moon, regardless of how good the quarter may be treating them, a business' sales team needs to take a step back. After all, salespeople are human beings. Lucky for them, that's where outsourced cold calling steps in.

In this post, I'll talk you through outsourced cold calling best practices, its pros and cons, and a few ways that your business can benefit.

Let's jump in.

Table of Contents:

What is outsourced cold calling?

Outsourced cold calling is the practice of hiring an external company or team to make cold calls on behalf of your business. Instead of having your own sales representatives make these calls, you delegate the task to a specialized third-party provider.

Outsourced cold calling can be an incredibly valuable tool for businesses looking to generate additional leads and drive sales. However, businesses shouldn't just invest in outsourcing resources because they can.

If you're looking to outsource the right way, there must be a solid reason (or several) behind investing in them; just like most sales strategies, there's a time and place for everything.

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In the next few sections, I'll share a more detailed explanation of what outsourced cold calling looks like and a brief breakdown of a few situations that might warrant outsourcing extra hands.

How Does Outsourced Cold Calling Work?

To illustrate the process, I've provided hypothetical context below, to showcase how you'd outsource a company step-by-step:

1. Find your partner company.

First, you (or sales leadership at your business) will shop around for a cold calling company that fits your needs.

Ideally, you'll identify a company whose reputation aligns with the kind of prospecting you're already doing. For the heck of it, let's say you're a sales rep manager for a software company whose goal is to secure a certain amount of high-quality leads by the end of the fiscal quarter.

2. Prep your materials.

Alright. Now that you've identified a reputable partner company, you'll pass over the additional work to the cold-calling agents at the company you're working alongside.

Before folks at the outsourced cold calling company get down to doing (successful) business, you'll want to give them the following:

  • A well-crafted script. This script should outline the key points of your sales pitch, ensuring that agents deliver a consistent message to potential customers.
  • Information about your product or service. Provide agents at the outsourced company with detailed information about your offerings, including their benefits, features, and target audience.
  • Access to your leads-tracking software. This will allow agents to record their interactions, track progress, and provide you with valuable insights.

3. Determine a pricing structure that works best for your company.

Finally, once you've given your game plan to the outsourced company, you'll need to settle on a payment structure that best suits your business' wallet. There are a few ways the outsourced company could choose to go about this step. Here are the usual price models:

  • They could charge per call. Some companies charge a fee per call made. Typically, this fee is between $.50 and $3.00 but the exact price can vary based on the complexity of the sales pitch, your target audience, and additional services (like appointment setting).
  • They could charge per lead. Some companies prefer to charge based on the number of qualified leads generated. This cost could vary depending on how many leads are secured. You could also suggest setting a price based on the amount of leads you'd like to see secured by the outsourced company.
  • They could charge based on performance. This means you'd only pay the outsourced company's agents a commission rate based on sales made.

Now that I've outlined the intricacies of outsourced cold calling, I'll tell you about the most optimal situations for using it.

When to Use Outsourced Cold Calling

Outsourcing assistance with cold calling is, without a doubt, a game-changer for businesses. Still, as mentioned, it's of best use when you've identified when and how to leverage this resource, especially if you're looking to get the most from it.

Check out the list of sales scenarios that warrant leaning on outsourced cold calling support:

1. Scaling Sales Efforts

If your business is experiencing rapid growth or you're seeking ways to increase your sales volume, outsourced cold calling will absolutely help you scale your efforts without overwhelming your internal sales team.

By delegating cold calling to a third party, you can free up your sales reps to focus on closing deals and nurturing authentic relationships with qualified leads.

2. Accommodating Seasonal Fluctuations

If your business experiences seasonal fluctuations, outsourcing cold calling can be a valuable tool for maintaining sales momentum, both during more active as well as slower periods.

By leveraging a third party, your business can continue to generate leads and drive sales. Hiring an outsource company may be particularly helpful during times of year when your internal sales team may be taking PTO.

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3. When Your Business is Entering a New Market

When entering new geographical or vertical markets, outsourced cold calling experts with localized knowledge can make or break your lead acquisition.

Depending on what company you partner with, its outsourced reps have the potential to bring an understanding of market dynamics, cultural nuances, and regulatory requirements to the prospecting process, making your business' introduction to customers smoother and more effective.

Pro Tip: Choose an outsourcing partner with a proven track record and relevant experience in the specific market you're entering.

4. When You're Handling High-Volume Campaigns

For businesses running time-sensitive or high-volume campaigns, having an outsourced cold calling team that can handle the spike in activity efficiently is invaluable. This approach ensures that your campaign deadlines are met without overburdening your internal resources.

Pro Tip: Don't keep your outsourced team in the dark. Define clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the campaign, then regularly review progress with them to ensure they are on track and make any necessary adjustments promptly.

5. When You're Looking to Hone in on Core Competencies

For companies where cold calling isn't a core competency, outsourcing can free up valuable time and resources. This allows your team to focus on core business activities such as product development, strategic planning, and customer service.

Pro Tip: Establish a robust communication process with the outsourced team. Regular updates and feedback loops will help in maintaining alignment and ensuring that the cold calling efforts are contributing effectively to your overall business goals.

6. When You're Looking to be Cost-effective

Building and maintaining an in-house cold-calling team can be costly and resource-intensive.

For startups or businesses with limited budgets, outsourcing can provide a cost-effective alternative that offers flexibility and scalability, allowing you to pay for the services as needed rather than incurring fixed overhead costs.

Disadvantages of Outsourced Cold Calling

Outsourced cold calling ain't too shabby, right?

Well, although this is true, if you are seriously thinking about outsourcing some cold calling help, you should look at the whole picture. And by "whole picture," I mean equally assessing its benefits against anticipated drawbacks, to properly determine if it's right for your business.

To help you do just that, check out the top three potential hiccups to expect when introducing outsourced cold calling to your company:

1. Loss of control

I need all of my self-proclaimed control freaks to come to the front and listen closely, please.

When you outsource cold calling, you may lose some control over the process, including the messaging, scripts, and overall approach.

However, this doesn't mean you're completely relinquishing the reins. In fact, I'd encourage you to embrace this opportunity to step back and view your cold calling efforts from a new perspective.

2. Quality concerns

You may hate to hear this one.

Unfortunately, not all outsourcing providers offer the same level of quality, so it's crucial that you - or sales leadership at your company - do lots of in-depth research to select a credible provider. This involves evaluating their experience, reputation, and the specific services they provide.

3. Cultural differences

Some things (literally) get lost in translation, my dear reader.

If you're outsourcing to a provider in a different region or country, cultural differences may need to be considered to ensure effective communication and understanding between sales rep and customer.

This might look like adapting your messaging, considering appropriate greetings and farewells, or understanding different business etiquette norms.

Top Cold Calling Companies

1. UpLead

Known for its extensive B2B database, UpLead offers cold calling services tailored to various industries and target audiences.

2. provides a comprehensive suite of sales tools, including cold calling services, to help businesses generate leads and close deals.

3. ZoomInfo

With a vast database of contact information, ZoomInfo can assist businesses with identifying and connecting with potential customers through cold calling campaigns.

4. SalesHandy

SalesHandy is a sales enablement platform offering cold calling services, along with features like email tracking, meeting scheduling, and call recording.

Cold Calling: Is Outsourcing the Answer?

Now that I've covered everything, it's up to you to decide if outsourcing a cold calling company is the right decision for your sales team and, most importantly, your company's sales goals.

On the upside, outsourced cold calling is great for maximizing time to the impactful work: Closing deals, building trusted relationships with leads, and leveraging additional talent to do the hard stuff. On the downside, outsourced cold calling requires lots of careful planning to ensure success.

But if you want my sincere advice on what you should do, here it is: Just evaluate where your sales team is now.

Check in with them, ask them how they're managing their current call load. By taking a step back and evaluating what's needed in the present, you can determine if outsourcing is the right fit for your sales team's future.

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