U.S. International Trade Commission

29/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 29/07/2024 21:48

Tracing the Import Sources of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

U.S. International Trade Commission Executive Briefings on Trade, July 2024
The views expressed solely represent the opinions and professional research of the author. The content of the EBOT is not meant to represent the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission, any of its individual Commissioners, or the United States government.
U.S. International Trade CommissionExecutiveBriefings on Trade,July2024
Tracing the ImportSources of SemiconductorManufacturing Equipment

Nathan Lotze,Office of IndustryandCompetitiveness Analysis

Tosupport increased investment inU.S. semiconductor1manufacturing capacity,chip makersmust
acquireadditionalsemiconductor manufacturing equipment(SME). Using Bill ofLading data, this EBOT
traces thesources of SME imports forfour domestic firmswith newmanufacturing projects.Japan was

theirleading source ofSME imports by value(81 percent),driven by firms likeTokyo Electron.

Overview: As a resultof COVID-19 related semiconductor supply chain shortages,bothindustry and policymakers have pursued efforts to increase domestic chipmanucturingcapacity inthe United States.Publicand private investmenthas spurred theconstruction of new semiconductor manufacturing facilities, alsoknownas"fabs,"aswell astheexpansionofexistingones.Withnew andexpandedfabs,however,comesthe need for moresemiconductor manufacturing equipment (SME).

SME referstoabroad rangeof products used to manufacture chips. Itcan includegoods like lithographysystems, deposition and etching equipment,as well as metrology tools.The United States isone of theleading exportersof SME,accountingfor17percent($20billion)of global exportsin2023.However,countries outside of the United States,suchas Japan (21 percent),the Netherlands (21 percent), andSingapore (18 percent) arealsomajorexporters. Thispaper seeks to understandthe specificU.S.importsources, including country and supplier, used byfour semiconductorfirms with notable domesticfabprojects: Intel,Micron, Texas Instruments(TI),and TSMC.Supplier Analysis: A Bill of Lading (BOL)is adocument used in sea transport, whichservesas a contractof carriage, transportreceipt,andlegal
Figure1. Sources ofSMEImports by DomesticChip Maker 2019-2023(in millions$USD)
titlefor the goods being shipped. Public access toBOL data arerestrictedin the U.S.to only sea-based






trade, therefore this dataexcludesground and air-


basedimports.Accordingto data compiled from


BOLs,these four firmsdirectlyimported$2 billion