The President of Russia

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2024 01:16

Meeting with the chairs of the State Council Commissions on areas of socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Maxim Oreshkin Oreshkin MaximDeputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Officeattended the meeting.

In his opening remarks, Alexei Dyumin Dyumin AlexeiAide to the Presidentoutlined the tasks facing the State Council commissions, emphasising the importance of ensuring continuity of work on the instructions issued by the President earlier. The commissions should focus on drafting new national projects. Each of them should have region-specific benchmark targets in order to ensure the achievement of the national development goals defined by the President in the constituent entities. The newly created Presidential Directorate for the State Council formation and activities will provide comprehensive support for the commissions' activities.

In his remarks, Maxim Oreshkin emphasised the importance of the work of the State Council commissions, which, along with federal ministries, are responsible for drafting and implementing new national projects in the regions, including in terms of adjusting individual projects and indicators with due account taken of the regional socioeconomic specifics.

The Chair of the Federal and Municipal Management Commission, Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin Sobyanin SergeiMoscow Mayor, informed the participants about the progress of work to fulfil the President's instruction to bring the performance assessment indicators of the top officials and executive authorities of the constituent entities in line with the indicators of the new national projects.

The participants discussed matters related to formation of new memberships and work plans of the commissions, organisation of interaction with the federal executive authorities both on drafting new national projects and on implementing the President's instructions.

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Published in sections: Executive Office, State Council

Publication date: July 24, 2024, 16:00

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