Roger Marshall

07/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2024 10:44

Senator Marshall on Newsmax: A Crisis Team Needs to Turn the Secret Service Upside Down

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Newsmax today to discuss the Secret Service's systemic failures that led to the assassination attempt of President Trump and the urgent need to clean house at the Secret Service. Additionally, Senator Marshall discussed the violent anti-Israel-anti-America demonstration that broke out in the Nation's Capitol in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress yesterday.

You may click HERE or on the link above to watch Senator Marshall's full interview.

On the Secret Service's Systemic Failures:

"This was a systemic failure on the part of the Secret Service. There were individual failures, but more importantly, systemic failures. There's a huge cultural issue within the Secret Service right now - almost half of their employees have quit in the past year."

"They're focused on DEI hires, and they're being supervised, of course, by a DHS Secretary that's been impeached - so what should happen next is we need a commander in chief to appoint some type of a crisis intervention or crisis team to go in there and turn this place upside down."

"We don't need to be waiting weeks, or months, or years for Congress to investigate this. They have everything they need right there to fix the problem."

"I think we just go back to the motive. Why don't they release the full motive? They're making this way too complicated."

"Quit making it so complicated. Again, the focus should be going back in there, turning the Secret Service upside down, a crisis intervention team. That should have already happened if we had a real commander in chief that had half of a common sense, he would have already done there. That's why we need a change in the White House come November."

On Violent Anti-Israel Demonstrations in Washington:

"Well, this is what happens, again, when you have a weak commander in chief. October 7th would have never happened if Donald Trump had been in office. Vice President Harris' absence was speaking volumes, that she doesn't care about Israel, that she's not pro-Israel. She's the pro-Hamas party."

"I want to just take my hat off to Prime Minister Netanyahu and the great job that he did, explaining why there is this special relationship between Israel and America, that they have helped intervene so many times to prevent massive terrorist attacks occurring in this country, that we share military technology as well."

"I thought the prime minister did a great job just sharing that message, why we have this important relationship, and why it's important, even the folks back home in Kansas, as for the people that are rioting out here. Look, the number of people here was half of what they predicted. Most of them are paid, they're organized. It's a disgrace, that's all I can say - and that's who Kamala Harris supports. She supports these people that are burning the flag of America, the people that chant death to America."