Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Palestine

09/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 02:01

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates: International Consensus on Adopting the International Court of Justice’s Legal Opinion

2 / Wednesday, September 18, 2024
/ Categories: News, Statements, Top News

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates: International Consensus on Adopting the International Court of Justice's Legal Opinion

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates welcomes the historic consensus in the UN General Assembly's emergency session, which adopted the International Court of Justice's legal opinion. This ruling calls for an end to Israel's illegal occupation, the dismantling of Israeli settlements, the removal of the apartheid wall, and the evacuation of all Israeli settlers from occupied State of Palestine, including Jerusalem. The ministry describes this step as a pivotal and historic moment for the Palestinian cause and international law.

The ministry expresses gratitude to the member states that sponsored and voted in favor of the resolution. This resolution, seen as a beacon of hope by the Palestinian people and leadership amid the ongoing genocide, is a critical step toward holding Israel accountable for its colonial and apartheid system.

The Ministry highlights that over two-thirds of UN member states voting in favor of the resolution reflects a global consensus that the occupation must end, and its crimes must cease. The ministry emphasizes that the world is ready to impose sanctions and penalties on Israel and its criminal settlers, and that justice and peace must not be undermined.
Furthermore, the decision aligns with the ICJ's legal opinion and underscores the international community's duty to uphold international law and deter Israel from committing further violations. It reaffirmed the Palestinian people's inalienable right to self-determination.
The ministry urges countries that did not support the resolution to reconsider their positions and join the right side of history. The Ministry also stresses that hesitation in such matters encourages further crimes, as witnessed in the ongoing genocide and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem.
The Ministry underscores the importance of implementing the resolution's mechanisms and calls on the international community to hold Israel accountable for its crimes, ensuring justice for Palestinian victims. The Ministry pledges to work through its embassies and with other countries to transform the resolution into an effective tool to deter and punish Israel, stop its aggression, prevent forced displacement, and ensure the application of international law in Palestine, ultimately leading to the dismantling of Israel's apartheid system.

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