The Aspen Institute Inc.

09/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/04/2024 07:07

2024 Aspen Cyber Summit to Cover Threat Briefs, A Post-Quantum Future, Regulation Efforts, and Top Security Issues in Elections, Sports, and More

Leaders from Five Eyes, CFPB, FTC, FCC, FBI to headline on September 18 in Washington, DC

Emmi Buck
High10 Media
[email protected]

Washington, D.C., September 4, 2024 - Prominent figures from across sectors and industries will headline the 9th annual Aspen Cyber Summit. The 2024 conference will feature the leaders from all of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and more.

On Wednesday, September 18, leading national and international voices from government, industry, and civil society will cover top cybersecurity challenges across elections, sports, tech regulation, data privacy, and more at the REACH at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Artsin Washington, DC.

The first half of the day will include a rare assembly of top leaders from all of the Five Eyes. This will mark only the third time in history that representatives of the intelligence alliance have appeared together in public - and the first time ever in Washington, DC. Australian Signals Directorate First Assistant Director General for Cybersecurity Engagement and Strategy Stephanie Crowe, New Zealand Communications Security Bureau Deputy Director-General for Cyber Security Lisa Fong, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Head Rajiv Gupta, National Security Agency (NSA) Cybersecurity Director Dave Luber, and UK National Cyber Security Centre (GCHQ) CEO Felicity Oswald will discuss adversary tools, tactics, and procedures, focusing on cyber activity adjacent to geopolitical conflicts and global elections.

Closing out the Cyber Summit in the afternoon will be a final fireside chat on tech regulation and data privacy with CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, FTC Chair Lina Khan, and FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel. The landmark session will explore how regulatory policies serve as a powerful tool in the government's efforts to enhance cybersecurity and data privacy.

Opening remarks at the top of the 2024 Aspen Cyber Summit will be delivered in a keynote address by FBI Director Christopher Wray,who will share his thoughts on the Bureau's current efforts and future initiatives to secure the nation.

Throughout the day, the conference will explore the full range of today's cybersecurity issues, from China to sports and elections.

Late morning sessions will include a panel on mythbusting what we get wrong about China with DGA Group Partner Jorge Guajardo(former Mexican ambassador to China), Georgetown University Security and Emerging Technology Senior Fellow Jaret Riddick, Johns Hopkins China Studies Professor Jessica Chen Weiss, and Protostar Strategy Founder Tobias Feakin. Following the lunch break, the afternoon will kick off a panel highlighting what organizations should be doing to stay secure in the post-quantum future will follow, with thoughts from Rapid7 Chief Security Officer Jaya Baloo, IBM Quantum Safe CTO Michael Osborne, NIST Division Lead Matt Scholl, and Caltech Physics Professor Maria Spiropulu.

The early afternoon will feature a fireside conversation among National Cyber Director Harry Coker, craigslist and craig newmark philanthropies Founder Craig Newmark, and Wondros President Kiersten Todt. The trio will discuss how to raise public awareness of cybersecurity to engage and inspire everyone everywhere to protect themselves and their communities.

Afternoon sessions will continue with a unique panel on cybersecurity in the global sports arena. LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games CEO Reynold Hoover, Diverse Representation Founder Jaia Thomas, and NHL SVP Eric Tysarczykwill cover the need to safeguard athlete privacy and ensure event safety as the visibility of sporting events grows worldwide.

The day will continue with a panel discussion on the momentous 2024 election year, when over 60 countries will hold or have already held national elections. Foreign Policy Global Technology Reporter Rishi Iyengar, Recorded Future Chief of Staff Jonathan Luff, Harvard University Technology and Human Rights Fellow Phumzile Van Damme, and OpenAI Global Response Head Becky Waitewill delve into AI's influence on election outcomes in the European Union, India, South Africa, and the UK.

The full agenda is available at and featured below. Media are invited to apply to attend the 2024 Aspen Cyber Summit in person free-of-charge. Discounted tickets are available for DC-area university students, educators, and education staff.

The Cyber Summit is hosted by theAspen Digitalprogram. This year's event is made possible by platinum sponsors craig newmark philanthropies, Google, and Splunk; gold sponsor PwC; and silver sponsors Arete Advisors, Booz Allen, Brunswick Group, Coalition Inc., Paladin Capital Group, Recorded Future, and SAIC.

2024 Aspen Cyber Summit Agenda*

*The agenda is subject to change. Please visit future updates.

9:00am - Introduction

  • Vivian Schiller, Aspen Institute VP & Executive Director, Aspen Digital

9:05am - Keynote Address by FBI Director Wray

  • (Intro) Sean Joyce, Global Cybersecurity and Privacy Leader, US Cyber; Risk and Regulatory Leader, US Responsible AI, PwC
  • Christopher Wray, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

9:20am - Single Point of Failure: The Risks of a Concentrated Tech Stack

  • Siobhan Gorman, Partner, Brunswick Group
  • Sezaneh Seymour, VP and Head of Regulatory Risk & Policy, Coalition, Inc.
  • Kemba Walden, President, Paladin Global Institute, Paladin Capital Group
  • (Moderator)Sasha O'Connell, Senior Director, Cybersecurity Programs, Aspen Digital

10:00am - More than Meets the (Five) Eyes: A Threat Brief from the Five Eyes Alliance

  • Stephanie Crowe, First Assistant Director General, Cybersecurity Resilience Division, Cyber Security Centre, Australian Signals Directorate
  • Lisa Fong, Deputy Director-General, New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre
  • Rajiv Gupta, Head, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security
  • David Luber, Director, Cybersecurity Directorate, National Security Agency
  • Felicity Oswald, Chief Executive Officer, UK National Cyber Security Centre (GCHQ)

10:45am - Morning Break

11:00am - Mythbusting: What Do We Get Wrong About China?

  • Tobias Feakin, Founder, Protostar Strategy
  • Jorge Guajardo, Partner, DGA Group; Co-chair, Aspen Institute's Global Cybersecurity Group
  • Jaret C. Riddick, Senior Fellow, Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University
  • Jessica Chen Weiss, David M. Lampton Professor of China Studies, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
  • (Moderator)Ellen Nakashima, National Security Reporter, The Washington Post

11:40am - The Role of Cyber Diplomacy in Government and Industry

  • Nathaniel Fick, US Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy, US Department of State
  • Brad Smith, Vice Chair and President, Microsoft Corporation

12:05pm - Lunch Break

Roundtable topics published online

1:05pm - Brave New World: Preparing for a Post-Quantum Future

  • Heather Adkins, Vice President, Security Engineering, Google
  • Jaya Baloo, Chief Security Officer, Rapid7
  • Michael Osborne, CTO, IBM Quantum Safe, IBM
  • Matthew Scholl, Division Lead, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Maria Spiropulu, Shang-Yi Ch'en Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology
  • (Moderator)Vilas Dhar, President and Trustee, The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

1:45pm - Knowing is Half the Battle: Raising the Importance of Cyber in the Public Eye

  • Harry Coker, National Cyber Director, Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD)
  • Craig Newmark, Founder, craigslist and craig newmark philanthropies
  • (Moderator)Kiersten Todt, President, Wondros

2:10pm - Block and Tackle: The Importance of Cybersecurity in Sports

  • Reynold Hoover, Chief Executive Officer, LA28 Olympic & Paralympic Games
  • Jaia Thomas, Founder, Diverse Representation
  • Eric Tysarczyk, Senior Vice President, National Hockey League (NHL)
  • (Moderator)Betsy Cooper, Director, Aspen Tech Policy Hub

2:45pm - Afternoon Break

3:05pm - On the Front Lines: Leading Cyber Initiatives in the US Government

  • Speakers to be announced

3:40pm - Around the World in 60 Elections: A Retrospective on 2024

  • Rishi Iyengar, Global Technology Reporter, Foreign Policy
  • Jonathan Luff, Chief of Staff, Recorded Future
  • Phumzile Van Damme, Technology and Human Rights Fellow, Harvard University
  • Becky Waite, Head of Global Response, OpenAI

4:20pm - Regulatory Viewpoint: Preserving Consumer Interests in Security and Privacy

  • Rohit Chopra, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
  • Lina Khan, Chair, Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • Jessica Rosenworcel, Chair, Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

5:00pm - Closing Remarks

This event is an external rental presented in coordination with the Kennedy Center Campus Rentals Office and is not produced by the Kennedy Center.


About Aspen Digital
Aspen Digitalis a nonpartisan technology and information-focused organization that brings together thinkers and doers to uncover new ideas and spark policies, processes, and procedures that empower communities and strengthen democracy. This future-focused Aspen Institute program inspires collaboration among diverse voices from industry, government, and civil society to ensure our interconnected world is accessible, safe, and inclusive - both online and off. Across its initiatives, Aspen Digital develops methods for elevating promising solutions and turning thought into networked impact. To learn more, visit or email [email protected].

About the Aspen Institute
The Aspen Instituteis a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build understanding and create new possibilities for a better world. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve society's greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, DC and has a campus in Aspen, Colorado, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit