The Office of the President of the Republic of Hungary

06/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Welcome speech delivered by Dr. Tamás Sulyok at the Hungarian Corvin Chain awarding ceremony

Welcome speech delivered by Dr. Tamás Sulyok at the Hungarian Corvin Chain awarding ceremony

2024 June 18. 13:06 |Speeches
Submitted by Sándor-palotaon June 18, 2024

Dear Mr. Speaker!
Dear President Vizi!
Honoured Recipients!
Dear Katalin Karikó, dear Ferenc Krausz!
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, we have the opportunity to witness an exceptional event. Firstly, it is six years since a new member joined the ranks of the Hungarian Corvin Chain. It was therefore high time for more Hungarians to receive the award.
On the other hand, it was the first time that as many as two Nobel laureates were elected to the Board of the Corvin Chain simultaneously.

Today's laureates need no introduction. They were the heroes of the past year - not only in the eyes of our country, but of the whole world. Although of course, we Hungarians are the proudest of them.

They are well-known even by those of our compatriots who tend to keep their distance from the mysteries of biology and physics. Moreover, most people also are aware of the field in which they have made a major contribution.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Several months have passed since it became known that humanity's highest forum of science finds Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz worthy of the most prestigious recognition. In addition, since then, wherever they go, cheers, deep respect and glory accompany their path.

I myself also experience this when I have the privilege to attend events celebrating them.
Most recently at the event held in honour of Katalin Karikó at the University of Szeged, an institution where I later had the opportunity to appoint our Nobel Laureate as professor. I have cherished this event with special pride ever since.

The deep-rooted joy and appreciation that surrounds the two Hungarian scientists is not to be wondered at, as they have reached the highest pinnacle in the world. Peaks that few people ever reach. For this, they had to make a major contribution, something that affects the whole world, something that benefits everyone.

They both achieved an exceptional and highly significant scientific breakthrough. They both made a discovery that countless researchers and scientists can build on in the future, expanding humanity's scientific results.
They opened doors in science towards new insights and discoveries, towards new opportunities.
Hard work, decades of professional challenges, sacrifices and struggles have finally paid off. Finally, others see what they themselves did not at first, only their imagination sought. What they pursued with unwavering curiosity and patience. With passion and dedication. Tirelessly. They eventually found, invented and created it. For the whole world.

For us Hungarians, their accomplishments are a source of great pride, for our country and for every Hungarian - in Hungary or abroad - a source of great honour.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

It is probably not easy to step out from the darkness of the laboratory into the light suddenly. In high places, many people become giddy. Fame, however, can often blind.
In the case of these two scientists, we cannot see even the slightest trace of this. What we are witnessing is at least as admirable as the contributions that they have made. Simplicity, humility, loyalty to and deep love of their country and homeland, responsibility felt for talented young individuals and an unwavering continuation of their work.
There are few successful people in the world today who can take and handle the spotlight with similar naturalness and ease as Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz.
We are thankful to them not only their scientific successes but for their outstanding human conduct, for their humility as well, as they are setting an example for all of us.
Nevertheless, they are an example and an inspiration not just because of their human conduct and scientific results. They are familiar with the recalcitrant reality of Hungary, as they were born into it. However, they are also aware of the power of our common culture, language, unique mind-set, national values and traditions.

They already know well where we can get from Kisújszállás and Mór through perseverance. They are also aware of what we can achieve if we fight as a Hungarian, endure as a Hungarian and work as a Hungarian.

They proved that Kisújszállás or Mór are not that far away from the peaks. Their example is an inspiration for all talented Hungarians, from Nyírbátor to Kőszeg, moreover, from Beregszász to Szabadka, that it is worth fighting, enduring and working.

Knowledge, work and perseverance - and knowledge, work and perseverance alone - yield results, only through these can we reach the peaks.
However, it is very important that we also find our way back from the top, as Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz have done.

As they are not only excellent scientists and great human beings, but also true Hungarians.
Therefore, it is fitting and actually necessary that their country honours them with one of its highest distinctions.

Congratulations from the heart on this achievement!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Two excellent minds have joined the Board of the Hungarian Corvin Chain, bringing together the best of successful Hungarians.

I wish all members of the Board to carry out their work faithfully and worthy of this. After all, it is our duty, according to our opportunities, abilities, and knowledge, to serve our homeland and nation faithfully, attempting to give back something from what we have drawn from our wonderful culture and Hungarian communities.

God bless you!

Sándor Palace, 18 June 2024