
DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

07/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 13:37

NEW Video: Republican Candidates Embrace JD Vance and His Anti-Abortion Extremism

In a new video, the DCCC is slamming Republican candidates for eagerly supporting JD Vance and his extreme anti-abortion agenda.

Vulnerable House Republicans like Juan Ciscomani and Anthony D'Esposito and overzealous candidates like Yvette Herrell rushed to celebrate Vance's nomination - simultaneously embracing his draconian views on women's rights.

Vance has said he "would like abortion to be illegal nationally," and has a long record of attacking women's freedoms. Despite Vance and Republican candidates deceptively scrubbing mentions of abortion from their websites and campaign materials, they won't be able to hide their unpopular and dangerous agenda from voters.

Make no mistake: JD Vance and Republican candidates will work together to ban abortion nationwide.

NBC: Democratic campaign committee hits Vance on abortion stance
By Julie Tsirkin | 7/29/2024

  • The campaign arm of House Democrats is aggressively messaging against Vance by launching a video on its social media accounts highlighting his record and comments on abortion.

  • The 54-second clip from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, obtained first by NBC News, compiles news reports in which Vance talks about his position on the issue, including a comment he made as a Senate candidate in January 2022, when he said he "certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally."

  • The DCCC clip also features vulnerable House Republicans up for re-election in November praising Vance, including Arizona's Juan Ciscomani, Florida's Maria Elvira Salazar and New York's Anthony D'Esposito.

  • Democrats have centralized their messaging on abortion and were met with success when they discussed the issue during the 2022 elections. Republicans have struggled to find their footing after they championed the Supreme Court's overruling Roe v. Wade, and with abortion-related amendments on the ballot in at least 10 states, Democrats see it as a top winning issue for their party.

  • "House Republicans and candidates enthusiastically supporting J.D. Vance is no surprise given their shared extremism, archaic views on women, and deeply unpopular plan to ban abortion nationwide," said DCCC spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen.

  • Harris has made abortion rights a top focus during her time as vice president and on the campaign trail as Biden's running mate. Now, as the presumptive Democratic nominee, she has already worked to keep the issue front and center.