BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica

07/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 21:04

CABEI will finance the comprehensive and sustainable recovery of the Lake Yojoa basin

Tegucigalpa, July 24, 2024- More than 167,100 Hondurans from the municipalities of the Lake Yojoa Basin and its area of ​​influence will benefit through the execution of the "Sustainable Recovery Program for Lake Yojoa", whose objective is to promote the Comprehensive and sustainable restoration of the ecosystem of said area through a total investment of US$ 100.0 million.

Financing for the program will be partially provided by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) through a loan of US$ 80.0 million. Likewise, €14.0 million in non-reimbursable funding contributions and technical assistance are being managed from the European Union through the Global Gateway initiative that seeks to address global challenges, from the fight against climate change to the improvement of health systems, boosting the competitiveness and security of global supply chains. The remaining amount will be covered with national funds of the Republic of Honduras.

The Program arises from a comprehensive diagnostic of the current situation of the Lake Yojoa Basin. It was carried out with resources from the CABEI Climate Change Fund, the European Union and KfW, making it possible to identify the main problems and the flows of pollutants that currently affect the basin and threaten the degradation of this important protected area.

The Sustainable Recovery Program for Lake Yojoa, to be executed by the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment (SERNA), represents a comprehensive initiative of innovative measures that address the multiple threats to the ecosystem of Lake Yojoa through the implementation of strategies for governance and territorial planning, capacity building, resilient infrastructure, and sustainable development and conservation. These measures seek to improve water quality, conserve biodiversity, strengthen the resilience of local communities, and promote equitable and sustainable socioeconomic development.

Among the main actions, the institutional strengthening and regulatory and legal instruments for the conservation and projection of the Lake Yojoa basin, the development and improvement of priority infrastructures to reduce and eliminate the main flows of pollutants and improve access to basic services related to water for human consumption, wastewater treatment, and solid waste management stand out. Likewise, sustainable practices and programs dedicated to the restoration and conservation of biodiversity will be promoted throughout the Lake Yojoa basin.

The program not only seeks to restore the natural and productive conditions of the ecosystem, but also ensure the well-being of local communities and the preservation of biodiversity, thus contributing to the fulfillment of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

CABEI reaffirms its commitment to contribute to developing initiatives that raise the quality of life of people in a sustainable manner and in harmony with the environment.