City of Douglas, GA

06/21/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/21/2024 07:39

DFD Suspends Burn Permits

It has been over a week since Douglas received a large amount of rainfall, leading to dry, hot conditions. As a result, the Douglas Fire Department has temporarily ceased issuing burn permits until significant rainfall occurs in the city limits of Douglas.

"Scattered showers are not sufficient for rainfall, and the high temperatures, combined with recent winds, cause the top vegetation to dry out quickly, increasing the risk of fires breaking out," says Douglas Fire Chief Casey Wright. "Citizens should exercise extreme caution when participating in outdoor activities that could cause a wildfire."

According to the Douglas Code of Ordinances, "It shall be unlawful for any person to burn or set fire to trash, rubbish, weeds, grass, or any other combustible material, on any premises within the city without first having confined the area to be burned so as not to endanger any wood, fences, houses or any property of any description whatsoever; and before any fire shall be so set it shall be the duty of the person setting the fire or having it set, burning weeds, rubbish, etc., or having them burned, to obtain permission for so doing from the city manager or his designee", which is the Douglas Fire Department.

For more information, please contact Fire Chief Casey Wright at the Douglas Fire Department at (912) 384-4815.