British Heart Foundation

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 08:56

BHF urges streamers to join lifesaving CPR campaign

Twitch streamers can help to save lives from cardiac arrest by getting involved in our new CPR campaign with media agency PHD.

Each week in the UK, 12 under 35-year-olds lose their lives to sudden cardiac death. However, early CPR and defibrillation can more than double the chance of survival from an out-of-hospitalcardiac arrest.

Together with PHD, we are asking for the help of UK gamers on streaming service Twitch to raise awareness of the vital skill of CPR.

Streamers can use breaks in play to help save lives by using their 'be right back'screen to display links to RevivRand stats on cardiac arrest. In the timeit takes to havea teaor coffee break or scroll through social media, viewers can pick up the crucial life skill for free.

Partnering with the nation's leading heart charity will help streamers boost their profile, with our engaged social media audience totalling over 300,000 X followers and nearly 100,000Instagram followers.

Popular Twitch figures such as Preach, TwoAngryGamersand RyanWasTaken have already backed the innovative campaign.

Preach, who backed the campaign, said:"When the British Heart Foundation reached out, I jumped at the chance. Just two days after I did the RevivRCPR demonstration with the British Heart Foundation a viewer reached out to me, saying they had used that information to save their two-year-oldniece. To know that what we did, that something so simple had saved a life so quickly, was overwhelming."

If you'rea Twitch streamer and interested in supporting us and potentially boosting your channel, you can submityour interest via a Google form HERE.

Damion Mower, our Director of Brand and Acquisition, said: "We'redelighted to launch the next stage of our innovative and award-winning campaign with Twitch. By transforming your Twitch 'be right back' screen as a streamer, you can promote the BHF's RevivRCPR tool and grow your channel at the same time.

"Thiscampaign shows how the BHF is successfully forging partnerships across the digital world to drive our mission to save lives."

Award-winning campaign

This open call is part of the charity's award-winningCPR campaign on the streaming site, which has seen streamers' broadcasts simultaneouslyinterrupted bya flatlining heart monitor, followed by UK cardiac arrest statistics andlinks to our 15-minute CPR tool RevivR.

The first stage was the successful flatlining of live Twitch streams during our Heart Month in February 2024. In February, there were over 5 million impressions across the campaign which resulted in an extra 3,000 people trained in lifesaving CPR.

There was a win for the campaign from the International Advertising Bureau, picking up their "Joy of Digital" February 24 award. The campaign has also been shortlisted for three Marketing Week awards, to be announced in November.

Lifesaving skill

Tragically, there are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the UK each year, andless than one in ten people survive. Early CPR and defibrillation can give someone the best chance of survival.

RevivRis our innovative and free online training tool, which takes just 15 minutes. It takes the user through the correct steps of CPR and defibrillator use, giving anyone the confidence to step in during an emergency.