State of Delaware Department of Transportation

12/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 12:58

TRAFFIC ALERT Kent County Closure of Mckee Road and College Road Intersection

Closure of Mckee Road and College Road Intersection

Dover - ; The Delaware Department of Transportation announces the closure of the intersection of Mckee Road and College Road starting on Wednesday, December 4th through Friday, December 20th to work on the natural gas line under the roadway.

Detour- Motorists wanting to travel Northbound on SR 15 shall redirect East onto College Road, turn left onto US 13 and turn left onto Scarborough Road, returning to SR 15.

Motorists wanting to make SB left turn to travel EB onto College Road shall re-direct by continuing thru on SB SR 15, turn left onto Walker Road, turn left onto State Street, turn left onto US 13 returning to College Road.

For more information, visit DelDOT's website at or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.