Fermanagh and Omagh District Council

05/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/10/2024 07:17

Council creates Green Spaces in the District from recycled organic waste

In recognition of International Compost Awareness Week (05-11 May 2024), Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, in partnership with Natural World Products, to put your recycled food and garden waste, collected across the District, to good use in three local schools and Blaney Community Farm.

The Project involved the development of 'No Dig' sample garden beds in various locations across the district, transforming your recycled food and garden waste into thriving gardens, benefitting our schools and community organisations, as well as the environment.

The garden beds have been established in St Ninnidh's Primary School, Derrylin; St Patrick's Primary School, Eskra; and Blaney Community Farm using the environmentally friendly 'No Dig' gardening approach to growing vegetables. As part of the project, some community gardens in the district also had the opportunity to avail of discounted New Leaf Peat Free Compost.

Natural World Products processes the district's organic waste, creating New Leaf Peat Free compost which is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. These 'No Dig' Gardens exemplify the circular economy in action, transforming food and garden waste into compost, closing the loop, and reducing landfill waste in our community.

The 'No Dig' approach helps to build a healthy soil that supports plants, pollinators, insects and birds and also increases the amount of carbon stored in the soil by leaving organic matter undisturbed. This provides the nutrition and environment that plants need to thrive, reducing the reliance on fertilisers. Growing your own food is not only rewarding but also reduces carbon emissions associated with transportation and promotes biodiversity in our local ecosystem.

Speaking about the initiative, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Thomas O'Reilly, said:

"I am delighted to see that the food and garden waste which has been collected in our district and recycled is being used to benefit our local residents through the provision of compost to create garden beds.

This is an excellent initiative which encourages residents to grow their own fruit and vegetables creating sustainable and nutritious produce whilst also helping the environment.

The Council is committed to ensuring that our people are healthy and well and that our natural environment is cherished and sustainably managed. Initiatives such as this help us to achieve this and support the work of our newly established Sustainable Food Partnership."

For more information on climate action initiatives within the Council, contact our Climate Change and Sustainable Development Team at [email protected] or 0300 303 1777.