European External Action Service

01/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2024 13:42

Albania, EU and AFD launch Waste Management Programme in Kukës Region

The programme will support Albania in enhancing recycling; establishing EU-compliant landfills and waste facilities; and reducing environmental impacts of solid waste. This initiative will contribute to improving living conditions in the affected areas and support Albania's alignment with EU standards for its EU membership journey.

The inaugural event in Kukës marked the official start of the programme in the waste zone including the Municipalities of Kukës, Has and Tropojë. It brought together municipalities and local stakeholders, and wasattended by the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Environment Ms. Almira Xhembulla, the Head of Cooperation of EU Delegation, Mr. Hubert Perr, Kukës Mayor Mr. Albert Halilaj, the Cooperation Attaché at the French Embassy Mr. Rémy Privat, and byrepresentatives from AFD.

A team of international and local consultants appointed by AFD will be in charge of carrying out the programmatic activities in the coming months, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Environment, as well as the 3 municipalities from the region.

The vice-minister expressed her strong appreciation for a program that will strengthen the cooperation between all stakeholders, to provide a better service to population in the district of Kukës. "Keeping the environment clean and green is essential for the wellbeing of the citizens, as well as for the development of a sustainable tourism in the region", declared Xhembulla.

EU Head of Cooperation Mr. Hubert Perr highlighted that through the EU4CE-ReWaM programme people will benefit not only from a cleaner environment but also from new jobs and income created as part of the circular economy. "The EU, as a global environmental leader, is happy to support Albania in promoting growth and sustainable development through ecological transition, and prepare the country for EU membership," declared Mr. Perr.

Mr. Privat, Cooperation Attaché of the French Embassy, highlighted the key role played by AFD inFrance's growing support to Albania's development and implementation of climate and environmental policies, "which are essential for the Albanian population and for Albania's European integration".

Mayor Halilaj declared the program was "vital for his city", and assured his team "stands ready to cooperate with AFD at all necessary stages of study and implementation".

This launching event underscored the commitment of local municipalities to promote a circular economy and sustainablewaste management practices. Under the framework of the "EU Green Campaign", the event also served as an occasion to remind the public of the impact of their actions and to highlight how the EU is assisting the country in protecting its biodiversity and countering environmental degradation. The latter, together with EU4CE, consists in three different programmes (worth 44 million EUR) that will contribute to improving waste and water management and will increase the protection of biodiversity in the protected areas.

About the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania

The Ministry of Tourism and Environment is the government department responsible for drafting and implementing policies aimed at environmental protection, climate change protection, sustainable use of natural resources, protection of nature and biodiversity, sustainable development of forests and pastures, water quality monitoring, as well as the design and implementation of tourism policies. The Ministry of Tourism and Environment operates under the relevant legislation, concerning nature and biodiversity, including flora and fauna, soil protection from erosion and degradation, protection of the natural landscape, protection of wild fauna and endangered species, and protected areas.

About the European Union in Albania

The European Union is Albania's strongest development partner, providing over EUR 100 million annually in grant assistance to support the Albanian people and help Albania adopt and implement key political, institutional, social and economic reforms to comply with EU values and progressively align with its rules. Further information on EU funded projects in Albania and EU-Albanian cooperation can be found at

About AFD

AFD Group contributes to the implementation of France's policies for sustainable development and international solidarity. The Group includes Agence Française de Développement (AFD), which finances the public sector, NGOs, research and training; its subsidiary Proparco, which is dedicated to the private sector; and Expertise France, a technical cooperation agency. The Group finances, supports and accelerates the transitions needed for a fairer, more resilient world. AFD Group is present in the Western Balkans since 2019 and has been given a mandate to support countries in the region to meet EU standards and implement the Paris Agreement on climate change towards an inclusive and low-carbon growth trajectory. Since then, more than €1 billion has been committed by AFD Group in the Western Balkans region, of which € 341 million in Albania. Further information on AFD activities in Albania and in the region can be found at