Chuck Grassley

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 16:00

Grassley Lauds Iowa Equipment Manufacturers at Vermeer’s Pella Plant


Grassley Lauds Iowa Equipment Manufacturers at Vermeer's Pella Plant

MARION COUNTY, IOWA - U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today delivered remarks at Vermeer in Pella, celebrating Iowa's leadership in manufacturing, agriculture and innovation. The event was part of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)'s Manufacturing Express, a nationwide tour that kicked off this week. Additional speakers included Vermeer President & CEO Jason Andringa and Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig.

Download photos and video HERE. Audio is available HERE. Grassley's prepared remarks follow.

For you people who work so hard at Vermeer, there are two things I could put on a license plate that would describe the workers of Iowa - two words. One would be 'quality.' The second would be 'productivity.' I'm proud to represent the workers of Iowa in the United States Senate and to be able to brag about the things you see here and a lot of other manufacturing in Iowa. I'm glad the Association is here to highlight Vermeer.

The second thing I'd like to say is, there's always something that gets an idea like Vermeer Manufacturing started. This company was formed in [1948]. There was a Gary Vermeer before then who was a farmer who decided there was an easier way to unload wagons of ear corn other than just by a scoop. So, he invented a hydraulic lift that raised the box to lower the corn into the elevator, into the corn crib. What you see here is an idea - at Vermeer, you see an idea that has led to what you see here today. I want to compliment not only that one individual, because it's duplicated by a lot of other people who come up with an idea and make it a big thing.

That happens so many times throughout the United States, so we have to praise the people that wrote the Constitution and set up our free market system where people can be rewarded for their ideas and for their hard work. [It's] brought about the very unique nation that we have, something that we can be proud of, and something the Association of Equipment Manufacturers is going to see as they go to these several stops they have planned.


I understand the Association is traveling the nation visiting manufacturing plants. Vermeer, I hear, is your second stop, following the event yesterday in Knoxville. You've got a long tour ahead of you, and you say it'll go through the month of October. Kicking off this tour in Iowa is a no-brainer.

Iowa is tops because manufacturing in this country is tops. That's because of hard-working employees like these at Vermeer, as well as our producers who feed and fuel the world. So, I'll warn you as an association: Starting your tour in Iowa sets a very high bar!

Iowa manufacturing accounts for an annual $38 billion share of the U.S. economy. Not only does Vermeer contribute to that large sum in quantity, but it also values quality by consistently improving on its own products. Recently, I read what you see right over here about a Vermeer baler was named the "Coolest Thing Made in Iowa" in 2024. So, Vermeer boasts a rich history, but you also remaining on the cutting edge.

When American Agriculture, Energy and other industries thrive, so too does American manufacturing - and vice versa. I'd like to share some federal initiatives I'm working on to strengthen the efforts all of you put in every day.

On the Senate Agriculture Committee, I'm looking to shift the focus of the CRP from removing whole fields from production, to prioritizing marginal farmland enrollments. Beyond supporting land stewardship, the CRP Reform Act would expand opportunities for new and emerging farmers. That'll create new potential customers for your equipment - maybe some equipment that's only a figment in the mind of one of your engineers.

I'm also co-leading the Expanding Agricultural Exports Act. This is a widely bipartisan measure to bolster U.S. competitiveness on the global stage. It would strengthen the Market Access Program and the Foreign Market Development Program. Under recent administrations, both Republican and Democrat trade approaches, U.S. agriculture is expected to suffer a $32 billion trade deficit this year, because trade is a low recent years. That ought to be unacceptable and underscores the urgent need for legislation.

In my capacity on the Senate Finance Committee, I'm keeping an eye on tax policy. Tax policy has a great deal to do with the competitiveness of our manufacturing with world competition. […K]ey parts of the 2017 tax law will expire next year. My colleagues and I are preparing, so we can act quickly to avert massive tax hikes on small businesses and the middle class. Extending the 20-percent qualified business income deduction will help ensure farms and Main Streets are on a level playing field with big corporations. And finally, I support reinstating pro-growth policies, including expensing for R&D and bonus depreciation for business equipment purchases.

My three points I just made and the others I don't have time to make, all this to say, my goal is to help you continue to do what you do best. So, thank you - it's people like you that matter and here at Vermeer that matter and keep Iowa in the lead of manufacturing. Please know, my door is always open, and I want to hear from you. Don't hesitate to contact my office or attend one of my town meetings that I have very frequently throughout Iowa. I want you to enjoy today's event. To the Association, best of luck to you on your tour, and thank you for all you do to promote manufacturing in Iowa and the other 49 states.


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