PAHO - Pan American Health Organization

18/12/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 18/12/2024 14:01

Fourth annual meeting of the Measles and Rubella Elimination Regional Monitoring and Re-Verification Commission. 4–6 November 2024 (virtual)


This year marks a significant milestone in the Region of the Americas for assessing sustainability after closing outbreaks in Brazil and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Onset of rash of the last endemic case in Brazil was on 5 June 2022, and 11 August 2019 in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. This means that the Americas has now recovered its status as a region free of endemic measles, a milestone first achieved in 2016. In addition, all countries sustained the elimination of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. This is a landmark achievement in the history of immunization in the Americas. This post-recovery period presents an opportunity to bridge gaps toward sustaining measles and rubella elimination in the Americas. To that end, the fourth annual meeting of the Regional Monitoring and Re-Verification Commission (RVC) provided a platform for Member States of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to update the RVC on the implementation of previous recommendations aimed at sustaining their elimination gains, following the published Regional Framework. Dr. Jon Andrus chaired the meeting, with Dr. Tracy Evans-Gilbert and the PAHO Technical Secretariat serving as rapporteurs. Other commission members present included Dr. Fernando de la Hoz, Dr. Herminio Hernández, Dr. Susan Reef, and Dr. Marilda Sequeira, while Dr. Jose Ignacio Santos and Dr. Angela Gentile attended virtually. Ms. Pamela Bravo, Dr. Alvaro Whittembury, Ms. Regina Trinidad Duron, and Dr. Gloria Rey-Benito represented the PAHO Technical Secretariat. Most attendance was virtual, except for in-person representations from Brazil and Peru.