Siena College

09/06/2024 | News release | Archived content

Saints Around the World: London, England

Center for International Programs, Psychology, School of Liberal Arts
Sep 6, 2024

Samantha Thompson '26 wants to work in a high school someday splitting her career between opposite sides of the building. Her time this summer in London proved that the two professions aren't as far apart as they seem.

Thompson's high school guidance counselor was incredibly influential, and to pay it forward, Thompson is pursuing the same career, for starters. The psychology major was also a three-sport athlete in high school, and she'd like to eventually migrate to athletics, and perhaps work as an athletic director. They may seem like divergent career options, but this summer's experience in London crystallized her ambition.

Thompson spent three weeks at the University of Roehampton. Her course, London Sports Hub, analyzed the psychology of sports through the lens of major competition in the English capital.

"I wanted to study abroad, but I've never crossed the ocean before, and honestly, I tend not to leave home much. A three-week trip was perfect, and then when I realized I could take this course, that was just a bonus. It was perfect timing, and I loved the professor."

The course explored the significance of relationships in sports. For example, a particular coaching style may be effective for one athlete, but it may be all wrong for someone else. The manner in which coaches interact with their players impacts the performance of their athletes. The professor used examples from around the world, but often focused on London, which meant Wimbledon.

"We toured the Wimbledon grounds and got to see the courts and a lot of what you wouldn't see watching on TV. It was so cool."

Thompson also did a lot of exploring beyond class hours. She was free at noon each day, and sometimes ventured around London with new friends, or sometimes solo. She also took the two-hour trip to Stonehenge which was "so worth it."

"I learned a lot that I can apply professionally, but a lot of it was more personal. I learned what I can do. I never would have thought as a freshman I could travel to another country and do this. I have way more confidence now. My advice to any student would be to just do it. Put yourself out there. You won't regret it at all."